
所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:商务课程改革  
编辑点评: 2015月9月起,A-Level中的business商务课就被列入改革名单,将应用商务学和商务研究整合成一个课程,也就是现在的business。下面我们一起来看看!



CIE的business内容涉及商务及其环境,人力资源,市场应营销,运营及项目管理,金融与会计,策略管理这些,教学内容根据市场的变化做了一些更新,比如金融会计部分中所有关于‘预测现金流’的内容被划入AS中进行教学,一些术语也因为潮流的变化进行了替换,比如把balance sheet换成了statement of financial position,然后内容也做了一些删减,比如人力资源管理部分就删去了惩戒制度等等。




至于科目的被接受程度,大部分学校的大多专业都接受A-Level的business科目,甚至会将其列为首选科目(prefered A levels),但是这里也需要具体问题具体分析,就比如,business商务是在UCL大学本科入学的首选科目之中,但是在LSE,商务类课程就在‘最不喜欢的科目’之列。

感受一下business科目AQA考试局2014年AS paper 1的部分选择题和问答题

1. A business collects information from asmall group of customers in order to discover why they like a particular product. This is an example of which type of marketing research?
A Qualitative, primary market research
B Qualitative, secondary market research
C Quantitative, primary market research
D Quantitative, secondary market research

2. On what is a piece rate system of payment based?
A The amount of overtime worked
B The company’s profit level
C The number of hours worked
D The number of items produced by theemployee

3. What are the features of a ‘cash cow’ in the Boston Matrix?
A High market share in a high-growth market
B High market share in a low-growth market
C Low market share in a high-growth market
D Low market share in a low-growth market

4. Price skimming involves setting a price that:
A is most appropriate when demand is priceelastic
B allows a firm to target the mass market with a low price
C is high in order to ensure a high profit margin
D is suitable for a product in the decline stage of its product life cycle.

5. According to Herzberg’s ‘two factortheory’ of motivation, which one of the following is a ‘motivator’?
A Better working conditions
B Greater promotion prospects
C Higher basic pay
D More job security

6. Opportunity cost is defined as:
A the next best alternative
B the initial cost of an investment
C the money spent on the choice made
D the average cost of a new idea.

7. Which of the following will result in anadverse variance?
A Actual expenditure on fuel lower than inthe budget
B Actual raw material costs higher than the budgeted figure
C Sales revenue actually received greater than in the budget
D Budgeted wages less than actual wages

Explain one possible use of market mappingfor a new sports shop.

The following data applies to a smallbusiness.
• Selling price = £18
• Variable costs per unit = £6
• Break-even output = 550 units
Calculate the fixed costs of the business.Show your workings

Analyse one way in which a largehouse-building firm might respond to a new competitor setting up in its market.






