
所属专题:留学生活  来源:    要点:海外科技  
编辑点评: 麻省理工汇集着全球顶级的智慧,这次他们带给常常出现在科幻电影中、人们长久以来梦寐以求的“隔空移物”。这项技术虽然还并不成熟,但是其创新性足可以开启一项新的领域。

Leave it to the brilliant minds at MIT to create a way for people to interact with objects that would normally be out of reach. They’re calling it inFORM, it’s a “Dynamic Shape Display” that physically renders 3D objects. The best explanation is to watch the mind-blowing video below.


The display acts similar to a normal display except each pixel is a pin that can dynamically rise or fall depending on the object it’s trying to render. According to MIT, they are currently experimenting with different applications like testing it with “Geospatial data” like maps and GPS as well as looking forward to using the device to assist in architectural and modeling projects.


MIT states: We propose utilizing shape displays in three different ways to mediate interaction: to facilitate by providing dynamic physical affordances through shape change, to restrict by guiding users with dynamic physical constraints, and to manipulate by actuating physical objects.


This is just the beginning. Theoretically, if the technology continues to evolve, developers can potentially create ways for people to fully interact with objects from afar. Imagine being able to collaborate with coworkers from miles away, physically through the inFORM system, or if you want to take it a step further, be able to cook breakfast in your home for your kids, while you’re away on a business trip, using similar technologies.


What do you think of MIT’s inFORM? Is the future happening right now? Will you be able to teleport by 2016? Are aliens real? Better yet, are women actually from Venus?





