1. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?
2. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ?
Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.
3. And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?
4. Are you traveling along or with someone else?
5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.
6. Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?
7. Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK.
Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK.
8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the UK.
9. Are you one of any political parties in China?
10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?
11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?
12. Is this the first time going out of the China?
13. Why do you want to go to the UK?
Because of it’s excellence in higher education and warm welcome to international students.
14. What will you do in the UK?
I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree.
15. Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than China?
In my speciality, UK has more advanced technology than China.
16. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?
17. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?
18. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?
19. Do you know about UK?
20. When will you arrive in UK?
英国自2015年1月12日起,在华优先签证服务将扩展至第四层级(Tier 4)申请人(学生)。选择该服务的申请人可以获得优先办理签证申请的权利,并且将在5个工作日内收到签证申请结果。面我们来看一下详细的申请流程。
- 英国留学签证延迟递签主要原因
- 留学英国:英国实施新的签证收费
- 留学英国:英国签证肺结核检测
- 英国面签“小黑屋”里 , 签证官会对宝宝们做什么?