
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 新GRE考试改革后,虽然取消了原先的类比与反义题型,但是对单词的考察依旧是重点之一。本文为大家汇总了新GRE考试填空部分的五选一题型的例题,配有解题思路,供大家参考、学习。


1, It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be ______.

A, predictable 可预言的

B, unexpected 意外的,意想不到的

C, admirable 令人钦佩的

D, explicit 明确的

E, confusing 令人困惑的

题型:反义转折 on the other hand

思路:1,题目逻辑结构 -A= on the other hand, B 相当于 A=-B

2,A= no surprise, 所以 B= surprise

3,选项 B 是正确答案

2, Like Bela Bartok, Ruth Crawford not only brought a composer\'s acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i) ______ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a performance in a written text, and this (ii) ______ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology.

Blank(i) A, reverence for 对͙尊敬

B, detachment from 对͙持有冷漠或超然的态度

C, curiosity about 对͙好奇

Blank(ii) D, fastidious 挑剔的,难以取悦的

E, didacticism 喜欢教训人,教训主义

F, iconoclasm 反传统,打破旧习

(i) 题型:同义递进 not only, also

思路:1,not only A, also B, 相当于 A=B

2,空格(i)= acumen,所以最能和 acumen(敏锐,聪明)构成同义递进只有选项 A。

(ii) 题型:同义并列 and

思路:1,C, and D, 相当于 C=D

2,this*空格(ii)= her agonizing(苦苦思索)͙

3,空格(ii)最近接选项 D

3, Political advertising may well be the most (i) ______ kind of advertising: political candidates are usually quite (ii) ______, yet their campaign advertisements often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans.

Blank(i) A, polemical 有争议的

B, effective 有效的

C, deceptive 欺诈的

Blank(ii) D, interchangeable 可互换的

E, dissimilar 不相似的

F, vocal 声音的

(i) 题型:同义解释

思路:1,A:B,yet C 相当于 A=Not C

2,空格(i)= hide important differences behind smoke screens,能够体现"烟幕之后 有重大不同之处"同义重复的选项只有 C。

(ii) 题型:反义

思路:1,A:B,yet C 相当于 B=Not C

2,句意是"政治候选人们通常(ii) ______,但他们的竞选广告在笑容和空洞口 号烟幕之后都隐藏着重大的不同。"

3,最优选项为 B。句意连贯起来"(尽管)政治候选人们不尽相同,但他们(所 有人)的竞选广告在笑容和空洞口号烟幕之后都隐藏着重大的不同(指政治 许诺与真正目的不一致)。




