
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: GRE考试的数学部分不是GRE考试中最难的一部分,但是大家还是需要打好基础,认真复习才会获得好成绩。本文为大家汇总了往年的一些数学真题,掌握真题是最重要的,大家可以针对GRE数学真题进行复习。



1. x-y =5 & xy != 0

Col a: 1/x-1/y

Col b: 5

2. Given f(n+3)=f(n) and


f(0)= 5

f(1) = 4

then the value of f(Cool is

Ans: 6

3. Given 0<1

Col A: X^50+X^51+x^52

ColB : 3(x^52)

4. A circle is inscribed in a square of side 2m.

ColA: area of circle

ColB: pie

Ans: C

5. x^2+2x-8=0

Col A:The sum of the roots

Col B: -2

Ans: C

6. An regular pentagon and an equilateral triangle were given. The perimeter of pentagon is twice that

of triangle.

Col A: Side of pentagon

Col B: Side of triangle

Ans: A

7. A telephone company has no.'s between 3000-3799. A Company called X uses the numbers from

3300-3499. Out of these

managers of Division1 level use numbers ending with 0 or 1. What percent of the telephone company

numbers are used by

Managers of Division1 level of Comany X?

Ans: 5%

8. x^2=1/5(x^2+(8/x^2)) find the value of x?

Col A: x

Col B: 2

9. A triangle ABC is given. A point D divides the side AB such that a trainge ADC is formed and

AD/DB=1/3. If the area of the triangle ABC is r. Find the area of the triangle ADC in terms of r?

Ans: r/4

10. If x = -1 then (1/x)+(1/x^2)+(1/x^3)+(1/x^4)=?

Ans: 0

11. If x is a positive number which leaves a remainder 2 when divided by 8 and when divided by 5 it

leaves a remainder 3. Find the least possible number?

col A: x

col B: 18

Ans: C

12. In a room there are more than 12 members which are divided into a 5 member group and a

8member group and a 12 member

group. Find the least possible members in that room such that finally none were left?

Col A the members in the room

Col B: 120

Ans: C

13. |x-2|>4 then which of the following is true with the above realation

A) -26

B) -4<4

C) -2<4

D) -6<6

Ans: A

14. A rectangular aquarium base has dimensions 10*8 and height 10. Aquarium is filled upto the height

of 6, a solid bar is immersed

into it... there by increasing the water level to 7.

Col a: the bar dimensions

Col b: 100 cubics


15. Col A: 50 square + 51 Square + 52 square

Col B: 3(square of 52)

Ans: B

16. Mode of certain list is given as 45

Col A: find the mean

Col B: 45

Ans: D



