
所属专题:GRE阅读  来源:    要点:GRE阅读  
编辑点评: GRE考试中,很多长句难句让考生们困扰不已,本文选择了部分难句给大家稍作分析。


22.In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance,that is,in thelate spring and in the summer,Haney recorded maximum daily com-munitygrazing rates,for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.


23.The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is thecomplete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning asatmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form asprecipitation,thence along and into the ground surface,and finallyagain returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means ofevaporation and transpiration.


24.The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890's that theagrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the UnitedStates since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of theinternal frontier——that is,the depletion of available new land neededfor further expansion of the American farming system.


25.In the early 1950's,historians who studied preindustrial Europe(which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to1800) began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate moreof the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent whocomprised the political and social elite:thekings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who hadhitherto usually filled history books.


26.Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents toextract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes ofdifferent social groups (these attitudes include,but are not confinedto,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how theauthorities administered justice.

象勒罗伊·拉迪里(Le Roy Ladurie)一类的史学家利用这些文献史料从中挖掘出某些个案史(case history)来,阐明了不同社会群体的态度(这些态度包括,但并非局限于,对犯罪和法律的态度),并揭示出当局是如何执行审判的。




