
所属专题:新GRE机经  来源:    要点:GRE真题回忆成都机经  
编辑点评: 看看11月26日的成都考生给同学们带来了什么吧!



105 Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.
Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.

71.The following is a letter to the editor of the Waymarsh Times."Traffic here in Waymarsh is becoming a problem.Although just three years ago a state traffic survey showed that the typical driving commuter took 20 minutes to get to work, the commute now takes closer to 40 minutes, according to the survey just completed. Members of the town council already have suggested more road building to address the problem, but as well as being expensive, the new construction will surely disrupt some of our residential neighborhoods. It would be better to follow the example of the nearby city of Garville. Last year Garville implemented a policy that rewards people who share rides to work, giving them coupons for free gas. Pollution levels in Garville have dropped since the policy was implemented, and people from Garville tell me that commuting times have fallen
considerably. There is no reason why a policy like Garville's shouldn't work equally well in Waymarsh."





1. 比较大小:3次根号下270 减去 3次根号下10 与 3次根号下80

2. 比较大小:若1<a<b<c<d<e<f。
ace的median和bdf的average 答案不一定

3. 比较大小:x=a/(a+b+c),y=b/(a+b+c),z=c/(a+b+c), xyz的average和1/2

4.以前有的,比较大小:the volume of hemisphere if radius is k和the volume of the right circular cylinder if the height is k and base radius is k. 后者大,right circular cylinder是圆柱体

5.比较大小:the hour that a ship cover 40miles, the speed is 18 某种单位(1个这种单位=1.15miles per hour) 和2 hours 比较,后者大

6.比较大小:以前的机经有类似:比较两个一元方程slope大小,一个为5X+Y+3=0 一个为Y-5X+3=O

7. 以前的机经有类似的 有500个人做两道题,答案只能是yes和no,其中第一道题答yes的人是410,第二题答yes的是220,两题都yes的至少多少人 (130)

8. 填空题 9.1*10^(-3) 是0.0091

9. 数列an=n!/(2n)!. 问a11/a10 1/42

10.填空题,以前机经有类似的,不过那个机经写得太不详细了,说一个公司卖V这个东西,costs是每瓶12.08元+4.8元的运费不论你买多少。recent years the standard deviation of 100 orders is 1.5 bottles, 问这the costs of 100 orders 的standard deviation是多少。直接1.5*12.08就好了。

11. r and t are consective numbers (-1)^(r^2+t)和-1比较大小。。相等

12. 以前有过的多选:X, Y 为正整数,且XY=24, (1)x+y<25, (2)if x is odd, y is even, (3) 12/y is integral 答案是(2)

13.多选probabily of females is p, probabily of student under 19 is r, probabily of females and under 19 is 0.3, 问p和r的可能值,5个选项,答案有两个p=1, r=0.3; p=0.5,r=0.6等。只要找1>=p>=0.3,1>=r>=0.3,且p+r<=1.3就好

14.点(a,-a)在直线y=-1/2x+3上,a=多少 答案 -6

15.一个图表题,第一排是years; harvest arce; the average of barrels per acr; total harvest ($1000)给了5年的数值,分别计算

(1)计算in dollars, 有几年的the per arce havest is more than $5000 总的total 除以harvest

(2)In 1996有47 farms in state X, 计算in dollars, the per farms havest







(b)in 1991 the first three greatest parts are also the most greatest parts
in 1997;这个是对的,直接看图

(c)if the total numbers in 1997 is doubled than 1991, then the total
numbers of small books in 1997 is greated than 1991
(是对的,因为small books在1991是33%,1997是17%)

17. 有个图,PQ是园直径,角pqt是45°。。s在pt之间,r在qt之间,问arc pst和arc qrt的大小。 相等

18.还是有个图,图上有坐标抽,三角形三个顶点是(-k,k), (k+2,k), (k,2k),问三角形面积 k^2+k

19.以前有个类似的,一个x抽,n是0, k是1, m在nk之间,如果nm的长度等于mk和nk的平均值,问m的坐标 2/3.

20.比较大小一个坐标轴,有四个点依次为pqrs, pq is half of qr and 3/4 of rs,比较ps和 4 times of pq。。。。。前者大

21.填空题; $36000 投资simple interest一个月获利$360,问年利率r是多少。 。。 12%。 注意是年还是月而且是simple interest

22. the ratio between two legs of right triangle is 3, hypotenuse is 根号下40, 问直角三角形周长的范围。。。。。。答案是 between 14 and 15

23. 一个八边形在园里面,然后八边形分成八个三角,问每个三角的底角多少度;67.5

24. 一个钟摆,摆长36,然后摆的度数是X,摆出的弧长相对的弦是41,求角度:我记得是算出啦接近65度

25. 比较大小, n,p都是正整数 (n-p)(n^2+np+p^2)和n^3-p^3。。。相等


27. 定义f(n)=n(n+1)/2, 比较f(10)-f(9)和f(4)的大小。。。。。相等

28. 以前机经有过一班90人, 一次考试,所有pass人的mean是84, fail人的mean是60, 所有90人的average是80....问有多少人pass。。。。。。。答案是75

29. 根号下y^2=8,比较 3^(2y)和3^(-2y)大小。。。。答案是不确定,因为y可是是负的。

30. a,b,c均为正整数,a/c=0.075, b/c=0.09, 问C最小是多少。。。答案是200

31. 15n除以6的remainder和2比较大小。。。。答案不确定,余数0或者3.

32. 还有一个类似街道的图,感觉怪怪的,进入的A有128辆车,然后每次路口都会有一半的车选择其他方向。B在右下。问最后到达B的有多少辆车。。。。。答案是88。不要管中间如何转,只计算有多少辆是出去就可以。分别有两个方向出去,一个是右上从C出去32辆。另一个是左下从D出去8辆。。下面是简略图,CD是我自己编的。
A ┯﹥ ─〉 ─〉 ┨
┠ ﹥ ┳ ─〉 ┃
┠ ﹥ ╂ ─〉 ┃
┠ ﹥ ┸ ─〉 B




