
所属专题:GRE作文  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 句子是构成GRE作文的基础,只有练好了怎么写句子,才会写出完整且高分的GRE作文,本文为大家总结整理了GRE写作常用的表达等,供大家参考和学习,希望对大家的作文备考有帮助。


1. 网络化动词cyberize是比较通用的翻译,也有人用latticing

cyberize vt. 使网络化;使联网:These days, even hotels are flogging the notion that anything’s better if you cyberize it. 眼下,就连各旅馆也在大力宣传这样的观念:任何东西一经网络化将更具优势。

2.人生观 outlook on life; life outlook

例如:树立正确的人生观 establish a positive outlook on life

3.“不相上下地” be equally matched; almost on a par; roughly the same;

neither is better than the other; eye ball to eye ball

4.“需要注意的是……” (need)special attention


价值观values 例如:传统的价值观念 traditional values

世界观world ideology/outlook/view 审美标准aesthetic standards



(fig) Money makes the mare go.

(lit) If one has money one can even make the devil turn one’s millstone.

7.:“留学回国人员”怎么说啊 现在有一个通用的说法:returned student(s)

也可以加个解释(one who studied overseas and returned for development)

8.请问:生产资料&生活资料 如何表达?

生产资料means of production 生活资料means of livelihood/subsistence

9.办签证怎么说啊 grant a visa;visa

比如我们说,给护照签证:put a visa on a passport;have/get one’s passport visaed

10.对客户说"我将帮你把电话转接过去“怎么翻译 I’ll put you through.

先把衣服泡着吧 Let the clothes soak for some minutes in (warm) water.


我建议你翻译的时候用动词短语表达^_^ import/introduce foreign technology

12.请问归一化系数怎么翻? normalization factor

13.请问五角大楼怎么说? The Pentagon


Since the government’s attitude is unclear, public confidence in the marget is waning.

15.请教大侠,“核心 思想 ”怎么说阿?

核心思想core/kernel/key thought/idea/ideology 另外,指导思想guiding idea/ideology

主导思想dominant thought 中心思想 central/main idea

16.嘉年华英语怎么说? Carnival

17.请问“在线留言”怎么说?多谢! online message

18.请问“经销商”怎么说?多谢! distributor; sales agent; dealer

19.请问锡箔纸怎么翻译呢? tinfoil paper

20. 山盟海誓怎么翻译呀

oaths as high as the mountains and vows as deep as the oceans-solemn pledge of love;

立下山盟海誓,swear eternal love; swear an oath of enduring faithfulness/fidelity;

make a solemn pledge of love

21.Re: 销售目标怎么说呀?sales target

22.”社会实践“用英语怎么说??social practice

23.Re: 请问:把眼光放长远 如何表达?see things in a broader perspective

24.Re: 请问大侠“攻防对抗”怎么翻译?confrontation between offence and defence

25.Re: 从帐户扣除怎么说?...will be deducted from one’s (bank) account.

26. Re: 水俣事件、痛痛病事件、伦敦烟雾事件英文怎么说???

水俣事件the methylmercuric chloride poisoning incident in Minimata, Japan

痛痛病Itai-itai disease 伦敦烟雾事件london smog incidents

27.Re: 战利品怎么说?spoils of war; war trophies/booty; loot; capture

28.Re: 请问人在江湖身不由己怎么翻?You can’t control everything in a traits’ world.

29.”心动不如行动“英文如何表达?There is no failure excepting no longer trying.

30.“占的比例大”怎么说?form/constitute a large proportion

31.不懈的努力enduring/relentless efforts 不懈追求、坚持不懈unremitting pursuit


静力学statics 静摩擦力breakdown friction;static friction force

33.Re: 请问“总量”怎么翻译地道一些? total capacity;gross amount

34.Re: 请问" 合同 到期"怎么说?


1)expired contract 2)The contract has reached maturity.

3)The contract has run out. 4)The contract has expired. 5)The contract becomes due.

35.Re: 请问光辉的荆棘路用英文怎么翻译?

我们一般翻译为《光荣的荆棘路》The Thorny Road of Honor

36.“随便说说”,怎么说? make a casual comment

37.Re: 接待客人 怎么说? receive/play host to some guests

38.请问 城市燃气 怎么说? 谢谢!! city fuel gas


Your presence and instructions are requested/appreciated.

40.Re: 请问 利用率 怎么说?utilization ratio




