提炼GRE Argument写作要点

所属专题:GRE作文  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 想要写出一篇优秀的GRE作文首先一定要有清晰明了的观点和有逻辑的辩证过程,特别是argument作文,对大家的逻辑思维是一种考验。本文就GRE的Argument写作为大家做一些指导,希望对家的备考有帮助。

What is an Argument?

A strong argument attempts to persuade the reader to accept a point of view. As such, it consists of a proposition, a declarative statement which is capable of being argued, and a proof, a reason or ground which is supported by evidence. The evidence, in turn, is composed of relevant facts, opinions based on facts and careful reasoning. If you are analyzing an argument, you should look for both of these: a proposition and the evidence supporting the proposition.

Attack the Argument

Each argument''s stimulus has been intentionally "loaded" with flaws (fallacies) that you should acknowledge and discuss. If you fail to see the more fundamental problems in the argument, you will not get a high score.

The purpose of the essay is for you to critique the reasoning in the argument (the stimulus will tell you to make this evaluation). Your personal opinions are not relevant. Your essay needs to focus on flaws in the argument. While in the Analysis of Issue you write your opinion on a subject, in the Analysis of Argument you write a logical critique of a flawed argument. Thus, the approaches to the two essays should be different.






