8天搞定雅思听力-Day 2 Answer multiple choice questions

所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思听力语攻略  
编辑点评: 8天搞定雅思口语听力不是梦,跟着沪江坚持8天,一起见证奇迹吧!




1. PS Camping has been organising holidays for

A. 15 years

B. 20 years

C. 25 years


Thank you for coming to my talk this evening. It’s nice to see so many people in the audience. For those of you who don’t know very much about PS Camping, let me start by giving you some background information about the company.

The company started twenty five years ago. It actually started as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years.

就下面这道题而言,你就需要把“Organised Holidays”标记出来,听的时候应该把注意力集中在题干中出现的问题上,但是也不能忽视选项中出现的信息,这样遇到关于‘years’的信息才会更加敏感

In this case, this sentence should tell you that you have got to the section of the listening where the answer will be:


The company started twenty five years ago. It actually started as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years.


1. PS Camping has been organising holidays for:

A. 15 years [has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years]

B. 20 years [twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays]

C. 25 years [The company started twenty five years ago]


上期文章:8天搞定雅思听力-Day 1 Difficulties with IELTS Listening

下期文章:8天搞定雅思听力-Day 3 Answer multiple choice questions








