
所属专题:雅思阅读  来源:    要点:雅思阅读最难题型  
编辑点评: 标题配对题在雅思考试中一直以来都占据重要地位,此题型难度也较大。同学们不能对其轻视,本文总结了标题配对题的答题方法和技巧,助考生顺利通过考试!

解题:读此段时,考生会发现在第二句出现however一词,这种情况下,第一句的内容即可以忽略,考生应该直接读第二句及其后面的内容。运用无词阅读法,第二句大意为“人口和工作密度实际上是增长或保持不变的”;第三句话解释说明出现这种情况的原因是把相关领域工作的人放在一起是非常有价值的;第四句话又引用一句话来进一步解释说明。因此我们根据转折厚的内容选出此段大意为  iii The benefits of working together in cities。而陷阱为vi The impact of telecommunications on population distribution。

☆ 附加新的信息,即信息之间为并列关系,如剑1,Test 4,passage 1中的B段(这种情况下,考生需要找信息之间的共同点,段落大意根据共同点得出)

On the horizon are optical computers. These could store programs and process information by means of light—pulses from tiny lasers—rather than electrons. And the pulses would travel over glass fibers, not copper wire. These machines could function hundreds of times faster than today’s electronic computers and hold vastly more information. Today fiber optics are used to obtain a cleaner image of smaller and smaller objects than ever before—even bacterial viruses. A new generation of optical instruments is emerging that can provide detailed imaging of the inner workings of cells. It is the surge in fiber optic use and in liquid crystal displays that has set the U.S. glass industry (a 16 billion dollar business employing some 150,000 workers) to building new plants to meet demand.

解题:考生在运用“无词阅读法”略读此段的过程中会发现第一、二、三和第四句都是关于optical computers的;第五句内容是关于fiber optics的;第六句是关于optical instruments的;第七句是关于fiber optic use and in liquid crystal displays的。显然段落中在不断附加新的信息,寻找信息之间的共同点,我们会发现信息都是和optic有关的,因此答案为viii Exiting innovations in fiber optics,而陷阱为ii Computers and their dependence on glass。

☆ 最后一、二句归纳总结前文,如剑6,Test 4,passage 1中的C段(这种情况下,考生根据最后一、二句话归纳段落大意即可)

Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment. Salespeople like Schaefer walk the line between the common practice of buying a prospect’s time with a free meal, and bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs. They work in an industry highly criticized for its sales and marketing practices, but find themselves in the middle of the age-old chicken-or-egg question – business won’t use strategies that don’t work, so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing? Or is it the industry’s responsibility to decide the boundaries?

解题:运用无词阅读法,略读该段,考生会发现段落的第三句后半部分和第四句,作者用逻辑词so,并采用问句的形式引出结论:so are doctors to blame for the escalating extravagance of pharmaceutical marketing? Or is it the industry’s responsibility to decide the boundaries? 我们在归纳该段的段落大意时,就应该根据第三句so后面的内容来归纳,所以答案选Who is responsible for the increase in promotion?





