
所属专题:英国文化  来源:沪江留学网    要点:雅思背景阅读  
编辑点评: 人们吸烟的原因有许多:好奇、模仿、交际需要、提神等等。在日常生活中,吸烟者总是男性居多,而最近一项调查发现,英国东北地区的吸烟者中,女性所占的比例竟然超过了男性,甚至高过国家平均比率。这一现象背后究竟埋藏着什么原因呢?

Women smoking - they've overtaken men in the habit in the north east partly because of influences on girls which are 'more insidious than mere peer pressure'


Their survey has just found that women smokers now outnumber men in the region, which according to Dr Andrew Russell of the uni's Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience is globally rare. Stress and its worsening by recession almost certainly play a part, but why more on women? What other causes may there be?

Andrew Russell博士进行了一项“危害、风险和恢复力”的调查,调查结果发现,女性吸烟人数在该地区已经超过男性,而这一现象在全球非常罕见。由于经济不景气而造成的巨大压力是导致吸烟人数上升的一大原因,但为什么增多的吸烟者会是女性?这背后还有什么其他原因吗?

A public discussion tomorrow, Tuesday, organised by the institute and Durham city's Forum for Health hopes to make some progress in finding out. It's being held at the Dales Suite, Collingwood College, Durham University and organisers are looking for leads to new empirical studies, as well as giving their own opinions and hearing others.


Here's what Dr Russell says in advance:


"Men's smoking rates have declined dramatically over the past few years in the north east and now appear to be lower than the national average. Women's have not declined nearly so fast - they appear to have plateaued at a level higher than the national average.”


“Smoking rates are highest in areas of greatest economic deprivation and also go up in times of recession.We need to consider whether for some women, smoking is a response to stress in their lives,one of the few 'pleasures' that are relatively easily acquired.”

"but the tobacco industry has had a large part to play in encouraging more women to take up smoking by perpetuating the myth of smoking as glamorous, risqué and a form of defiance.New brands come out all the time specifically aimed at women."


"We're proposing a cross-cultural study looking at women's relationship to tobacco in other societies in order to understand how best to tackle the situation in the North East of England. I'll be outlining my plans at the meeting."

His colleague Dr Sue Lewis has meanwhile specialised on trying to find out why women and girls are getting the habit so young. She says:

同时,他的同事Sue Lewis博士,正在研究女性和女孩养成这一陋习如此之早的原因。

"We need to understand the particular issues faced by young smokers – and those trying not to be smokers – in disadvantaged communities; what particular pressures they faced when they started smoking, what factors encouraged continued smoking and what makes it particularly difficult to quit. "




  • 雅思阅读背景:英国下午茶


  • 雅思背景阅读:乔布斯经典语录


