
所属专题:雅思考试  来源:    要点:雅思阅读  
编辑点评: 雅思阅读对于大部分中国考生来讲是一门优势性科目。如何在备考雅思伊始就掌握好的阅读复习方法,拿到阅读中最难的题目的满分呢?今天和小编一起来看看长难句的分析。

● 题目:

Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changed appreciably, but with increasing global participation in athletics –and greater rewards to tempt athletes –it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early. (test4 passage 1)

● 分析:

本句为并列句,由but连接,句子“Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changed appreciably”和句子“with increasing global participation in athletics –and greater rewards to tempt athletes –it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early”并列;句子“with increasing global participation in athletics –and greater rewards to tempt athletes –it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early”中主句为“it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early”;其中“that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early”为that引导的主语从句,it为形式主语。

● 编辑推荐:


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