雅思口语考试Part 3得分要诀

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编辑点评: 雅思口语考试是目前世界上英语口语考试中最为人性化的一种测试类型。如何顺利过关,有哪些抢分秘籍呢?下面让小编为大家介绍一下雅思考试part3的得分要诀。


第5节 雅思口语考试Part 3得分要诀
雅思口语考试的第三部分Part 3涉及以下几个测试技能:

A. Advantages & Disadvantages (优点和缺点分析)

B. Personal Opinions (表达个人看法)

C. Changes (已经发生的变化和将要发生的变化)

D. Currents Problems & Personal Solutions (目前存在的问题和个人解决办法)

雅思口语考试Part 3和雅思写作Task 2有惊人的相似之处。对于Part 3的准备方法和

雅思写作的大作文也就非常接近了。如果要在Part 3有好的表现,并且得到高分,不仅


中文回答都很难。而且Part 3题目的话题是承接Part 2的。大家通过一个话题的Part 2和

Part 3的例子来看一下Part 3和Part 2的衔接以及Part 3的问题特点,这里给大家的Sample


Describe a holiday you have taken.

You should say:

Where you went.

When you took this holiday.

How you spent your time.

And whether you enjoyed the holiday or not.

Here is a sample answer to this topic.

I always wanted to visit Xinjiang and last summer holiday, I went there with a group of my classmates from university. We travelled to Urumqi by train and stayed there for a week. The most important place we wanted to see was Heaven’s Lake and Tianshan, north east of Urumqi. This lake is amazingly beautiful as it is very large, the water is crystal clear and it is surrounded by pine trees on the hillsides around the lake. You can even see snow-capped mountains reflected in the lake, which makes the sight like a picture. We took lots of photos and when I looked at them I was surprised at the clear blue color of the sky and the water. The other impressive scenery in Xinjiang was the grasslands. I have seen pictures of this in television series, but it felt so special to be there and experience the openness of this country. We stayed with local people in their unique type of house. I’ll always remember how friendly and welcoming they were, and we really enjoyed the local food which they provided. It was a great
holiday which we all enjoyed.


Q: What role does tourism play in a country’s economy?

A: The role that tourism plays varies between countries. Some places rely a lot on tourism, for example I know that Hawaii and Bali in Indonesia are places where a lot of tourists go.



  • 雅思口语:PART 3国家类考题的高分答题技巧

    在PART 3中,国家类的题目出现的频率非常高,好多学生为之头疼,因为学生觉得范围实在是太大了,根本无从下手。其实国家类题目的答题技巧很简单,本文为各位同学来解读一下这一类问题。



