
 来源:    要点:雅思口语  
编辑点评: 最近气温一路飙升,转眼已经到了3月。雅思官方1-4月换的新题差不多也都出现过一轮了,那么今天我们就来回顾一下2月都有哪些高频新题出现吧~

2月口语高频Top 10:

上个月Part 1中出现了几个高频新题,比如chocolateshoesteacherrobots, mirror, colour等等,当然也有榜单上常年居高不下的老题“工作还是上学”、“家乡”、 “住哪”、“父母”、“朋友”等等。那么,面对Part 1中这些新出现的高频题目,你慌不慌?

别慌!敌人都是纸老虎!大家仔细观察一下这些新题,其实并不陌生,好像或多或少都在Part 2里准备过吧?什么,没有?你没准备过?那一定是你没有好好练过我们沪江的口语机经题库!针对Part 1的问题 ,我们每道题只需要回答二至三句话即可,大家可以有针对性的选取之前准备过的相关话题进行内容节选。那么下面教研君来给大家举个栗子吧。

这是一道来自Part 1 –family的问题: How has your family influenced you?”那么首先我们可以给这样一道题贴上几个标签:家庭人物影响。然后大家是不是可以联想到,之前在准备Part 2话题的时候,准备过类似的话题或者素材呢?教研君就准备过!记得Part 2曾经有道题是"Describe a person you admire",教研君当时准备的话题是我奶奶,那么现在教研君把人物换一换,用来形容奶奶的,一样可以形容父母parents对不对?对,你没看错,我就是这么懒!

我在Part 2的答案里用来形容奶奶的话是 “My grandma is a self-disciplined person. So whatshe does or says really has great influence on me. For example, she always be nice and smiles to strangers at public places. And she is always friendly to our neighbours. When she has cooked some nice food, she will always be willing to share with others. " 那么我把这段话里的grandma改成parentsshe改成they,再加句总结性的语言,就变成“My parents are self-disciplined people. So what they do or say really has great influence on me. For example, they always be nice and smile to strangers at public places. And they are always friendly to our neighbours. When theyhave cooked some nice food, they will always be willing to share with others. All these deeds have shaped who I am today.”


Part 1解决了,Part 2&3呢?Part 2可是重头戏啊!憋捉鸡!今天也会跟大家说说Part 2哒!我们来说说本月的高频新题野生动物这个话题怎么样?


Part 2

Describe a time you were really close to a wild animal.

You should say:

what it looks like

where you can see it

what it likes to eat or do

and explain why you like it.




Sample answer for Part 2:

A time I was really close to a wild animal was seeing a chameleon in the Shanghai Wild Animal Part. The park is like one hour driving distance from my home. I went there with my family one year ago. A guide took us on a trekking adventure to see different animals. It was really exciting because we didn't see those animals in cages. Instead, we could see them in the wild. I saw an animal called chameleon, which really caught my eyes. It looked kind of bizarre because its eyes were independently mobile, which means it could view two different directions at the same time. It had very extensive, highly modified, rapidly extruding tongues and crests or horns on its brow. What impressed me most was that it had the ability to change its colour. According to the introduction from the guide, the chameleon liked to eat insects and could catch them itself in the wild environment. The guide told me that many people think the chameleon could change its colour at will, but the real fact was that this happens naturally according to the temperature of environment, emotional state, and things like these. I enjoyed seeing the chameleon a lot because it looked so cute and mysterious. It felt like a Jurassic part, you know. It was my first time seeing this kind of animal in the wild. Actually it was a lot different from the animals I saw in zoos, because it was close to nature. I had a wonderful time there and learned a lot about wild animals from the wild animal park.



chameleon [kəˈmiːlɪən] n. 变色龙   trekking [ˈtrekɪŋ] n.长途跋涉,徒步旅行,远足

bizarre [bɪˈzɑː] adj. 古怪的;怪诞的;奇异的      

mobile [ˈməʊbaɪl] adj. 可移动的;行动方便的;(指人)流动的;易变

extrude [ɪkˈstruːd] v. 挤压出,压制;伸出,突出,排出


 这是一篇描写变色龙的参考答案。按照题目要求,对其长相、习性等进行了描述,同时也叙述了自己在哪里见到的这种野生动物,以及自己为什么对这种动物感兴趣。同学们get到了吗?如果没有,请对照part 2题目要求再读一遍参考答案哟!另外附上Part 3的题目供大家参考和练习, Part 3的内容一般是考官对Part 2内容的加深,以及拓展,考官不会去计较你说的有没有专业性、是不是有科学背景,他们只care你的语言用的是否合理、有逻辑性。所以别害怕!跟考官尽情扯吧!!

Part 3

Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why? / Why not?)

Some people breed animals such as dog for money. How do you feel about that?

Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals? (For example, laws against cruel treatment.) Why? / Why not?

Are there any wild animals in China that are not found in any other country?

Are there any animal reserves in China where wild animals can live in protection?

How do Chinese people feel about the protection of wild animals?

What do you think are some of the benefits to humans from protecting wild animals?




