
所属专题:雅思写作  来源:    要点:雅思写作  
编辑点评: hi,各位雅思小伙伴们,经过2月的考试洗礼,是不是迫不及待想要掀开本月写作试题的庐山真面目呀~~~ 教研君在此为各位烤鸭们揭开“迷之答案”哟







Task1: The chart below shows the percentage of adults not doing physical exercise in Australia in 2005.(图表暂缺)

Task2: In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?


Task1: The chart below shows the percentage of international students in Canada and USA, also compare the three top source of countries in Canada and USA.

Task2: Some people think "vertical city", where people live and work in high buildings is the best. Others think "horizontal city" is better, where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Task1: Compare and summarize the changes of Conference Center.

Task2:Some people believe that developments of technology are making life more complex and the solution for everybody is to accept a simpler life without using technologies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Task1: The first chart shows the number of people per kilometer square of six countries in 2003. The second chart shows the percentage change of population in urban area of the six countries from 2003 to 2005. Find the important features of the two charts, and make a comparison between them.

Task2: Some people want the government to spend more money looking for life on other planets, while others think it is a waste of public money and there are many problems on the earth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Task1: The chart below shows the percentage of adults not doing physical exercise in Australia in 2005.(图表暂缺)



The bar chart demonstrates the data for females and males who did not take physical exercise in Australia in the year of 2005.



From the chart, we can see that …

with the figure increasing/dipping from xx% to xx%(具体数据)…

At the same time/ By contrast…

a similar proportion of xx(另一方) (xx%) did not take exercise.



In terms of …

It is obvious that … while …

The same number of A and B dislike physical exercise


Overall, it can be seen that young people aged from xx to xx took more physical exercise. On the contrary, the least of old people (xx) did sports.

Task2: In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?

本题是春节过后的第一道雅思写作题目,比较爆冷,这道题目是2012年4月份的原题,但是,这道题目所代表的问法已经有将近五年没有出现过了。。。 这边总共有2个问题,那么对这两个问题都要回应到。前一个问题是论述类,后一个问题是观点类的,建议在论述完雄心对成功的作用后,选择一边倒的立场(时间紧,任务多~~)


In this contemporary era which features high pressure and fierce competitions, ambition is a powerful driving force on modern people's way to success. As the proverb goes that most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.

主体段1回应How important is ambition for being successful in life?这个问题。此次明显正面论证ambition对成功的重要性更好下手,vivid examples可以使起来,牛顿等科学艺术政坛赫赫人物都可以作为有力佐证~

It is believed that ambition is putting a ladder against sky. If Newton had no ambition to figure out why apples fall down on the earth rather than flying to the sky, gravity can never be discovered; if the allied nations in World War Two had no ambition to defeat the Nazism led by Hitler, massive slaughter would be recorded in human history. It is ambition that enables individuals to be equipped with self-motivation and self-discipline that are regarded as indispensable factors for overcoming barriers as well as resisting temptation when devoted to work or studies. Unfortunately, it is difficult for people who lose ambitions to pursue their goals or make themselves come out on the top even if their inspiration spring up every second.

主体段2在Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?选择立场,这里注意和上一段有个对应,如果上一段论述过程倾向positive,本段选择negative的立场不是很合适哟~论证过程同样可以用explanation或example等方法~

Although a heavy ambition is often thought to be connected with the greed or an addiction to power, it is not the case. Ambitious people have courage and persistence to challenge tasks which cannot be completed by ordinary people; have aspiration to break down the routine as well as to fight for what they believe in. In a large scale, the civilization of mankind would not thrive supposing that humans refuse to admit or achieve their ambitions.


In a word, ambition is one of the most crucial characteristics for human beings. It gives us goals and pushes us to lead a life filled with satisfaction and glory. However, the realization of personal ambition can never be at the expense of violating others' interest.




