
所属专题:雅思写作  来源:    要点:雅思写作真题回顾  
编辑点评: 真题一直是雅思考试取胜的不二法宝,留学小编给大家搜集了一大批真题。今天就一起来看一看2012年6月9日雅思考试的写作真题吧,还有详细的解析哦。



Is a table, the proportion of those aged 65 and older in three countries, Canada, the UK and Germany in 1980, 2000 and 2030.(在1980年、2000年和2030年以上三个年份中,加拿大、英国和德国三国65岁及以上人口所占的比例。)




3-with the exception of


5-general increase/decrease


7-out of the total number of

8-in the percentage of

9-far more significant

10-in the same period

11-compared to

12-fairly stable

13-in comparison to

14-on the other hand

15-be scheduled to


1-The table shows that….

2-The opposite appeared to be the case.

3-The figures for both Canada and Germany were comparatively low.

4-Out of the total number of those aged over 65 and older, The UK saw a general increase.

5-Canada followed this trend.

6-This represented an increase of more than 10 per cent compared to Germany’s 5 percent and The UK’s 3 per cent.

7-A figure doubled in comparison to the percentage of….

8-Germany, on the other hand, remained constant with….

9-Canada had a lower proportion of….

10-Overall, it is clear that….


Some people think news is in no connection with people's lives, therefore, it is a complete waste of time to read the news in the newspaper or watch TV news.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(有些人认为新闻跟人们的生活关系不大,因此,读报纸或看电视新闻完全是浪费时间。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这一观点?)



2-in no connection with

3-a complete waste of time

4-read the news in the newspaper

5-watch TV news


此类题目是典型的argumentative essay/report,可以遵照双边类文章的写作模式,也可以按单边类方法写作,建议单边写作,现从read news in the newspaper和watch TV news好的角度着手,首先,Reading news in the newspaper or watching TV news give families something to bond over. Both newspaper and television have led to some great conversations. Often, talking about something that occurred in a newspaper or TV show will lead to discussions of real life situations. If this is not a benefit, I do not know what is 。其次,News in the newspaper or TV news are both educational and in formative. News can be as educational as going to school。最后,We can learn about different people and places. Newspaper or TV news opens up the world, whether through watching TV news or newspaper news with multicultural characters!


1-inculcate a great habit like reading in someone

2-become a passion for someone

3-one’s perseverance of this trend

4-the mounting pressure of work

5-keep someone engrossed

6-introduce someone to the different cultures around the globe

7-give you a glimpse into other cultures and places of the world

8-reduce boredom

9-break the monotony of a lazy, uncreative and boring life

10-explore a new world filled with information and ingenuity

11-make your vision blurry

12-for a wide variety of reasons




