
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:SAT拼分  
编辑点评: SAT考完了,面对自己的成绩,不止你感慨几何呢?College Board的Score choice送分政策给考生提供了更多选择以增加自己被大学录取的几率。然而,不同的大学对这项政策的态度也不一样。

SAT考完了,最终的目的当然是向自己向往的大学汇报战果,递交成绩。SAT新手们需要注意的是,College Board有一项Score choice送分政策。通过此项政策考生可以选择要寄送的成绩日期和单独的某一项SAT II成绩。然而,不同的学校对于Score choice的政策也不同。


1)Superscore, 俗称“拼分”。可以把不是同一次考的单项(math, critical reading, writing)最好成绩作为SAT的总成绩。Super Score是一些大学AO用于Evaluate Applicant的方法。

2)Highest single sitting,可以挑最好的一次送,但必须是同一天考的。

3)All scores,全送,不能挑。很多常春藤学校要求送all scores,但他们只在所有考试中选最好的那一次。如普林斯顿的官方网站:

Applicants are welcome to use the score choice option for standardized test score submission. Princeton will consider the highest individual section results across all sittings of the SAT Reasoning and the highest composite score for the ACT with Writing, as well as the two highest SAT Subject Test scores. We encourage applicants to submit all official test scores as soon as they are available.

下面是接受Score choice的学校列表:


Boston University

Brandeis University

Brown University

California Institute of Technology

Dartmouth College

Duke University

Emory University

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

Notre Dame University

New York University

Princeton University

University of Chicago

Vanderbilt University

Washington University in St. Louis


Amherst College

Bates College

Bowdoin College

Bryn Mawr College

Carleton College

Claremont McKenna College

Colby College

College of William and Mary

Davidson College

Grinnell College

Hamilton College

Haverford College

Kenyon College

Middlebury College

Mount Holyoke College

Oberlin College

Reed College

Smith College

Swarthmore College

Trinity College

Vassar College

Washington and Lee University

Wellesley College

Wesleyan University

Williams College




