
所属专题:托福听力  来源:    要点:托福听力  
编辑点评: 托福听力中,考试经常会因为一些原因无法听到或听懂题目所指向的片段,这个时候考生就可以利用下面这篇文章所提到的相关性来作答题目,考题的出题是按照顺序来的,所以必然在上面一道题和下面一道题中出考题,其次考题与原文的主旨必然也是有关联的,把握这两点,做好听力就不难了。


新托福听力问题: Inference (Eliminate!)

Sometimes inference questions are difficult because they ask about a moment in the lecture that you might have skipped in your notes or plainly didn’t understand. In a situation like this,remember that elimination is one of your best friends on this test. Look at those answer choices and think about which ones do not fit to what you do understand about the lecture or the conversation. Most likely, the wrong answer choices are going to be false or irrelevant. This means that you need to train yourself to always think about what answer choices you can eliminate based on what you do know from the listening section. Whenyou eliminate, usually you can narrow your chances down to two choices. Those are better odds than one out of four. Also, remember that the questions tend to go in chronological order which means that the first question you answer will most likely be from the listening passage in an area before the next question. If you cannot locate the information you need in your notes to make the inference from, then perhaps you need to look at the questions before and after in order toget an idea of the section you should be looking at.





