
所属专题:出国留学  来源:    要点:托福阅读  
编辑点评: 在我们婴幼儿时期我们就喜欢在轻柔的摇动中入睡,而摇动究竟会对我们的睡眠产生哪些影响呢?今天的新托福考试阅读练习资料中我们就会看看相关方面的研究怎么说。


You’re lying in a hammock by a breezy shore. The hammock rocks softly back and forth. In no time…(snoring). It turns out that’s not just the relaxation of being on vacation that’s bringing on sleep. It’s the rocking hammock. That might not be a huge surprise—babies get rocked to sleep. But researchers wanted to know how rocking works.

They recruited 12 healthy males, all good sleepers. Each volunteer twice took an afternoon nap in a dark room on a custom-made bed that could rock. For one nap, the bed was still. For the other, it rocked gently.

All the men fell asleep faster when they swayed. And the scientists monitored the men’s brain activity during all the naps. They found that rocking increased the duration of what’s called N2, a non-REM stage that accounts for about half of a good night’s sleep.

Rocking also increased deep-sleep-associated brain activity—so-called slow oscillations as well as bursts of action called sleep spindles. The research was published in the journal Current Biology. [Laurence Bayer et al., "Rocking Synchronizes Brain Waves During a Short Nap"]

The next step is to find out whether rocking can help treat sleep disorders. Meanwhile, insomniacs can always try a hammock.




