TOEFL Junior阅读:举例关系

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编辑点评: TOEFL Junior小托福考试是一项低风险的测评,用以衡量在以英语为媒介的教学环境中,中学生在学术和社交方面的英语水平。它包括听力、语言形式和含义、以及阅读理解三部分。我们今天就针对阅读的人们考点——举例关系进行讲解。

TOEFL Junior小托福考试虽然不涉及任何专业学科知识,但是作为一项英语水平测试,不少中学生还是会多多少少在阅读理解部分亮起红灯。

TOEFL Junior阅读中的举例关系向来都是ETS系列考试阅读部分的一大出题点。TOEFL Junior阅读中的举例关系向来都是ETS系列考试阅读部分的一大出题点。TOEFL Junior考试阅读部分的举例关系其实十分简单。所谓举例关系就是指作者在文章中为了论证某一个重要观点,会用一个具体的例子来加以证明。值得一提的是TJ文章中的观点一般都是出现在例子之前,而且一般文章中出现举例关系的地方一定含有出题点。我们可以以下面这段文章为例来分析。

Memory is important for learning language skills. Education specialists in England want to help people improve their reading abilities. They want students to remember the books and articles they read. The specialists found something to help: facial expressions. They gave ten students a happy article to read. Five of the students read the happy article while smiling. Five students read the happy article while frowning. Then they answered comprehension questions. The smiling students remembered more of the happy article than the frowning students.

在这个段落中我们发现作者用了科学家所做的一个实验作为例子,例子中提到五个学生在阅读令人开心的文章时笑着读,还有五个皱着眉读,结果那五个笑着读的学生理解的更好。我们在阅读这一段落时就应该牢牢的把握住例子所证明的观点即例子之前的那句话:The specialists found something to help: facial expressions.在之后的题目中我们看到出现了下面的两道题,但是只要我们的同学们能够把握好这个举例关系,这两道题的答案都能轻松解答。

Why does the speaker mention the two experiments made by the specialists?

(A) To prove that memory is important for learning for learning language skills.

(B) To suggest that memory is closely related to facial expressions.

(C) To illustrate that smiling students have better memory than frowning students.

(D) To show that the specialists have already found the reason why facial expressions help memory.


According to the passage, if you are reading a happy article, what kind of facial expression should you have?

(A) Smiling face

(B) Frowning face

(C) Angry face

(D) No facial expression




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