
所属专题:托福口语  来源:    要点:托福口语  
编辑点评: 本文为大家提供了不同的托福口语模板,包括了各方面的类型和内容,大家可以从模版中借鉴好的句型和词汇,更重要的是学模版里的答题思路,但是切忌生搬硬套,需要结合自己的实际情况进行回答,才能更生动和贴切。




有很多机会来take a part time job.

If we choose a ... major, we could learn a lot practical knowledge, so we are more easily to find a proper job with high salary.

Also, there will be many opportunities to take a part time job in these area, by taking these part job, we could learn useful skills and working experience, and improve our ability of comm. and cooperating. and earn money to pay for....

On the other hand, many graduate students in unpopular major can not find a job.


1, help,可以跟教授更熟悉, providing me more opportunities, such as teaching assistant or lab assistant.

I have more chances to get help from .. when .. and talk with prof, so that I could

be familiar with the professor, which will benefit my future professional life.

2, I could study more e-e.

On the other hand, large class usually be too crowded and noisy, I can not hear clearly what the teacher says.



know how to teach their young children, how to commu. with them.

when young run into trouble, => help them to solve.

eg. I meet a problem in my study, and I was really confused with it.

Then I talked with him about my problem. He gave me a good advice. Due to his help....


纪念 a ceremony held to memorialize the 50th anniversary of our courtry:

人多. I never saw so many people.

several famous singers are invited to perform, including the famous twins. I was excited, because I am a fan of them.


long time => unconsciously influenced.

help => from family member.

eg, when I meet with diffi in study. I like to ...

my father gives me advice on how to get along well, and comm. with other people.

he also gives advice on how to plan my future life.




National Day:

I would like to mention the National Day in out country.

In the day, a large ceremony will be held to celebrate the anniversary of the country.

The president will present an official report on the development and some pressing social problems

about the whole country during the past year.

There will be more than ten thousands of important persons attending the ceremony,

including prestigious scientiests and businessmen.

And several famous stars are invited to perform in the ceremony.




