
所属专题:托福写作备考全集合  来源:    要点:托福写作  
编辑点评: 托福综合写作更多考察的是考生快速听记以及归纳信息的能力,如果我们能够在阅读文章部分和听听力部分对细节有准确清晰的把握,那么之后在规定时间内写出一篇思路清晰的高分小作文绝非难事。







One of the most promising new developments in personal transportation is the smart car. A smart car is one that utilizes advanced methods of engineering or computers with some kinds of artificial intelligence. While smart cars have not yet reached their full potential, they are sure to be beneficial, to all who eventually drive them.

One advantage of smart cars is that they will help traffic flow faster. A smart car will be able to handle many of the driving duties, thereby allowing the people in the car to attend to other matters. Because the car, for the most part, will be driving itself, it will be able to select optimal routes based on their lack of vehicles and the speed with which they may be traveled upon. This, in turn, will make travel times much shorter and keep traffic moving continuously.

In addition, a smart car will have lower maintenance costs. Since the car will be almost entirely run by computers, the computers will be able to alert the owner when there is a minor problem to be fixed. The owner will then be able to fix the car at a low cost as opposed to waiting for the problem to develop into a major issue that would require an inordinate amount of money to be sent.

Time’s up! 现在到时间展示你超凡的信息归纳能力啦!

STEP 1速(kuáng)读(sǎo)+归(jīng)纳(jiǎn) 阅读文章


第一段作者提出了他的看法:Smart Cars – Promising New Developments


(那你猜猜看接下来的内容?肯定就是具体讲smart cars到底哪里好到爆了对吧?没错!)

第二段作者马上提出分论点一:SC will help traffic flow faster. 之后的内容就是在demonstrate这个论点。

第三段紧接着提出分论点二:SC will have lower maintenance costs. 之后的blah-bla-blah也不过就在阐明该论点。

那么问题来了,我们是不是找到这些point就ok了呢?答案是:我们还需要往下挖掘一丢丢呢~ 看看下面的spots你有本事fill in嘛?(掐个表啦 2mins)

Smart Cars – Promising New Developments

SUB-OPINION1: SC will help

l Handle many of the driving duties à drivers can attend to other matters

l Can choose à much shorter travel times & continuously moving traffic

SUB-OPINION2: SC have lower

l Computers will alert owner when is

l Can fix problem before it becomes major issue



Traffic flow; optimal routes; maintenance costs; minor problem


时间再一次无情的到啦~ 诶哟,阅读passage又出现啦

STEP 2 速(kuáng)读(sǎo)+归(jīng)纳(jiǎn) 听力文章


他让我们不要高兴得太早一刚。。因为SC won’t be as breathtaking as everyone anticipates. 为啥呢?

首先,SC 的大规模制造将会使得汽车基数成几何倍增长,这个就是

SUB-OPINION 1--More automobiles mean a much heavier traffic condition. (这是Yiyi用自己的话归纳的,大家在考试时也要学会理解演讲者的观点把它概括出来。)

注意:即使你刚才不小心放空了没有catch到首段的分论点,我们大可利用阐述分论点的部分来猜测他究竟刚刚在说啥。比如,分论点一过后,演讲者说“仅仅因为它们是智能车你就认为自己可以摆脱交通大果酱嘛?” 哈哈哈,愚蠢的人类!大家动脑筋猜一下,演讲者是不是之前一直在说SC不能改变交通拥堵的现状呢?(是正常人都会是这个逻辑。。)

接着回忆一下SUB-OPINION 2:SC are not cheap to maintain. 就像Tesla这样的电动汽车虽然环保但是大环境并没有很好地在国内支持它的体验。这一个分论点演讲者提得非常直白,大家应该很好找到。

Smart Cars – Not as Breathtaking as People Anticipate

SUB-OPINION 1: SC will not ease traffic.

l Automobile technology improves à

l People will have to sit in

SUB-OPINION 2: SC will not be cheap to maintain.

l Use of very expensive,

l Replacing parts à


Amount of traffic; longer traffic jams; custom-made parts; astronomical amount of money


当你在填写以上两张表格的时候其实就是在记笔记(是不是觉得顿时弱爆啦),你所记录的是阅读文章和听力文章的论点(注意:由于我们可以提前设想他们互相反驳彼此,所以在读完阅读文章后可以对于接下来的听力内容做一个可行性猜测,你懂的 )




Many environmentalists are wary of allowing the introduction of new species into an ecosystem. Ecosystems are fragile, and invasive species can often cause many problems when they are introduced where they do not belong. In fact, when they invade a new ecosystem, they often have several harmful effects.

For one, the introduction of new species can ruin the local ecosystem in many ways. First, it can act as a predator and eat other local species, thereby causing their their extinction. Another way is that it can consume too much of a valuable local food source. This consumption can cause other animals not to be able to eat as much as they are accustomed to. The result may be a decrease in the number of native species.

Another way that non-native species can be harmful is by causing the people who live in that area to suffer from financial losses. An example of this is the mesquite tree in the American Southwest. It thrives in areas with little water. However, because it soaks up the water from the ground, nearby grasses do not get enough and die. This causes local ranchers to lose money since they have to pay extra for animal feed. Also, the mesquite tree regenerates easily, so farmers must pay large amounts of money to remove the trees from their land.

FYI: 自控力差的同学可以尝试在家里练习时戴上一副高大上的耳麦模仿考场的环境,Yiyi个人偏爱在写作时仍旧戴着耳机(隆隆的敲击键盘声就会瞬间小很多哦,另外也更容易让自己专注)好啦,我们下周不见不散哦~                   

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