
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:普渡大学  
编辑点评: 美国老牌名校,有诺贝尔获奖者摇篮之称的美国普渡大学国际项目办公室副主任、国际学生录取及奖学金办公室主任、普渡大学教育学院助理教授Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk,为广大学生和家长就普渡大学本科招生录取的程序及细节等问题做一个详细的介绍。

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk:大家好!

主持人:Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk,欢迎您,您认为普渡大学对中国的高中毕业生,最大的吸引力是什么?

What do you think is Purdue’ most attractive factor to Chinese High school graduates?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :

I think Two factors are important is that Purdue has an excellent academic reputation. And we also have excellent support service. I mean the services that we provide to students when they are there. Purdue is a very friendly and helpful university. So the students who need help can obtain it。



In you opinion, what kinds of traits qualify a high schools students as “excellent”?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :

“Excellent” students to Purdue would mean someone has done well at high school, both academically and in other activities. We believe that somebody’s past performance is the best predictor of future performance。



What is the biggest difference of students between China and USA?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk:

Well, Chinese students have, in my mind, a very big advantage. They take more science classes than do American students. And they also have an excellent maths background。



What do you think the students in these two countries can learn from each other?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk:

I find most Americans are typically more open-minded, more lively, and more active. And Chinese students are very studious. There is something about Chinese students that they, I think, believe education as a privilege, whereas American students view education as tight. So, when you view education as privilege, I think you are more serious about it. But American students, I think, they have strengths too. And it is that they have strong skills。

Chinese students I found are very good at memorization, and learning facts. American students are very good at using what they learn, creativity, and entrepreneur. So I think these two cultures together create excellent culture。




Can you recommend us some outstanding subjects in Purdue for Chinese high school graduates?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :

Sure. Purdue is well known in many areas. But our centric area is engineering. But we are very well known in management, which is what we called business。

We also have excellent programs in science, such as physics, and maths, and chemistry, and statistics, pharmacy, and many liberal arts majors, like physiology, communication. Purdue has many different options, over 200 majors。




Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :

Well, Gao Kao is a Chinese exam for Chinese universities. We don’t really pay attention to that. We are interested in high school, from CHUSAN to GAOSAN。

Nothing really special other than to apply early, and make sure your application is complete, make sure you send all the documents required. And sure you take all the required exams to prove your English proficiency. And send all the transcripts. As I mentioned before, sometimes students forget Junior middle school grade 3 transcript。




Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :普渡大学是一个公立学校, 我们不像私立学校那么昂贵。但是从实际情况来说,去普渡大学学习仍然需要一笔不少的费用。大概需要37000美元每年,其中包括26000美元的学费以及11000美元的生活费。


主持人:Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk,根据您的了解,中国留学生在普渡大学的表现如何?您作为招生代表,想对中国的考生说些什么?

How are the Chinese students in Purdue University? Can you give some suggestion to the Chinese students?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :我本人以及我身边的很多朋友都对中国学生有着很好的印象。无论是相对美国学生还是相对于其他国家的国际学生而言,他们都有最好的GPA和最高的毕业率。中国学生是最好的。



At present, the whole world is experiencing the financial crisis. Do you think it is a good opportunity for Chinese students to continue their study in USA?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :我认为这是个很好的机遇。金融危机是以波浪线图的形式出现的。我相信四年之内经济就会恢复,而我们当中的大部分人相信这个周期会短于四年。这是个投资于教育很好的时期。


In your opinion, what are the standards of a professional and responsible service agency for studying abroad?

Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk :在我看来,对美国学校有很好的了解,了解这些学校的地理位置、名声以及教学特点,全方位的为学生介绍。最重要的是对学生进行良好的评估从而为他们选择最适合他们的学校。

主持人:今天的访谈到这里就要结束了,再次感谢普渡大学Mr. Michael A. Brzezinsk向我们介绍这么多关于普渡大学实用的信息。




