
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国留学申请  
编辑点评: 为帮助自费出国留学人员正确选择国外学习学校,加强对自费留学中介活动的监管,引导自费留学中介机构与国外正规学校开展合作,教育部公布了33个我国公民主要留学国家1万多所学校名单,基本涵盖了我公民主要留学目的地国正规高等学校。

Newberry College (Newberry)

North Greenville College (Tigerville)

Northeastern Technical College (Cheraw)

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (Orangeburg)

Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood)

Platinum Shear School of Cosmetology (Orangeburg)

Plaza School of Beauty Culture (Rock Hill)

Presbyterian College (Clinton)

Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic (Spartanburg)

South Carolina School of Healing Arts (Charleston)

South Carolina State University (Orangeburg)

Southeastern School of Neuromuscular (Columbia)

Southeastern School of Neuromuscular (North Charleston)

Southern Methodist College (Orangeburg)

Southern Wesleyan University (Central)

Spartanburg Methodist College (Spartanburg)

Spartanburg Technical College (Spartanburg)

Strand College of Hair Design (Myrtle Beach)

Styletrends Barber & Hairstyling Academy, Inc. (Rock Hill)

Sumter Beauty College (Sumter)

Technical College of the Lowcountry (Beaufort)

Tri-County Technical College (Pendleton)

Trident Technical College (Charleston)

Trident Technical College (Moncks Corner)




