
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国留学申请  
编辑点评: 面对数额巨大的留学费用,为了节约开支,广大学生和家长挑选院校和专业时,也会考虑所选院校的性价比高低与否。本文针对该问题专门列出了一系列超高性价比的院校清单,以供参考。


*The list of U.S. universities is sorted by subjects and then by tuition fee (from high to low).以下之美国大学名单先按科目排列, 再按学费高低排列。

Computer Science电脑科学

Business Administration商业行政管理

Accounting 会计

Computer Engineering电脑工程

Information Science信息科学


1.US$: 8251

Address: 201 S. President's Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: 801-581-7281

Web-site: www.utah.edu

2.US$: 8808

Address: Austin TX 78712-1157

Tel: 512-475-7399

Web-site: www.utexas.edu

3.US$: 9041

Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794

Tel: 800-USB-SUNY

Web-site: www.sunysb.edu

4.US$: 9410

Address: Buffalo, NY 14260

Tel: 716-645-6900

Web-site: www.buffalo.edu

5.US$: 9921

Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332

Tel: (404) 894-4154

Web-site: www.gatech.edu

6.US$: 11222

Address: College Park, MD 20742

Tel: 800-422-5867

Web-site: www.umd.edu

7.US$: 11370

Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243

Tel: 217 786-6626

Web-site: www.uis.edu

8.US$: 11475

Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

Tel: 614-292-3980

Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu

9.US$: 11852

Address: 100 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213

Tel: 800-752-1000

Web-site: www.umn.edu/tc

10.US$: 13437

Address: 405 Hilgard Ave Los Angeles CA 90095-1436

Tel: 310-825-3101

Web-site: www.ucla.edu

11.US$: 13449

Address: Irvine CA 92717

Tel: 949-824-6703

Web-site: www.uci.edu

12.US$: 13458

Address: 300 Campus Dr. Bradford PA 16701-2898

Tel: 800-872-1787

Web-site: www.upb.pitt.edu

13.US$: 13479

Address: 320 Schmitz Hall, Box 355840, Seattle WA 98195-58400

Tel: 206-543-9686

Web-site: www.washington.edu

14.US$: 13751

Address: Berkeley CA 94720

Tel: 510-642-3175

Web-site: www.berkeley.edu

15US$: 15095

Address: P.O. Box 1892 Houston TX 77005-1892

Tel: 800-527-OWLS

Web-site: www.rice.edu


1.US$: 7402

Address: Baton Rouge LA 70803

Tel: 504-388-1175

Web-site: www.lsu.edu

2.US$: 7633

Address: 335 116Th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98004

Tel: 800-426-5596

Web-site: www.cityu.edu

3.US$: 8251

Address: 201 S. President's Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: 801-581-7281

Web-site: www.utah.edu

4.US$: 8277

Address: 4800 Calhoun Houston TX 77004

Tel: 713-743-1010

Web-site: www.uh.edu

5.US$: 8808

Address: Austin TX 78712-1157

Tel: 512-475-7399

Web-site: www.utexas.edu:

6.US$: 9110

Address: P.O. Box 870112, Tempe, AZ 85287-0112

Tel: 602-965-7788

Web-site: www.asu.edu

7.US$: 9114

Address: P.O Box 210044 Tucson, AZ 85721-0040

Tel: 520-621-3237

8.US$: 9410

Address: Buffalo, NY 14260

Tel: 716-645-6900

Web-site: www.buffalo.edu

9.US$: 9455

Address: Gainesville FL 32611

Tel: 352-392-1365

Web-site: www.ufl.edu

10.US$: 9744

Address: University Plaza Atlanta GA 30303

Tel: 404-651-2365

Web-site: www.gsu.edu

11.US$: 9881

Address: College Station, TX 77843

Tel: 409-845-3741

Web-site: www.tamu.edu

12.US$: 9921

Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332

Tel: (404) 894-4154

Web-site: www.gatech.edu

13.US$: 11222

Address: College Park, MD 20742

Tel: 800-422-5867

Web-site: www.umd.edu

14.US$: 11370

Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243

Tel: 217 786-6626

Web-site: www.uis.edu

15.US$: 11404

Address: East Lansing MI 48824-0590

Tel: 517-355-8332

Web-site: www.msu.edu

16.US$: 11408

Address: 1801 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19122-1803

Tel: 888-267-5870

Web-site: www.temple.edu


1.US$: 7402

Address: Baton Rouge LA 70803

Tel: 504-388-1175

Web-site: www.lsu.edu

2.US$: 11475

Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

Tel: 614-292-3980

Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu

3.US$: 8251

Address: 201 S. President's Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: 801-581-7281

Web-site: www.utah.edu

4.US$: 11370

Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243

Tel: 217 786-6626

Web-site: www.uis.edu

5.US$: 8808

Address: Austin TX 78712-1157

Tel: 512-475-7399

Web-site: www.utexas.edu

6.US$: 9114

Address: PO Box 210040, Tucson, AZ 85721-0040

Tel: 520-621-3237

Web-site: www.arizona.edu

7.US$: 9455

Address: Gainesville FL 32611

Tel: 352-392-1365

Web-site: www.ufl.edu

8.US$: 9881

Address: College Station, TX 77843

Tel: 409-845-3741

Web-site: www.tamu.edu

9.US$: 11370

Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243

Tel: 217 786-6626

Web-site: www.uis.edu

10.US$: 11404

Address: East Lansing, MI 48824-0590

Tel: 517-355-8332

Web-site: www.msu.edu

11.US$: 11408

Address: 1801 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19122-1803

Tel: 888-267-5870

Web-site: www.temple.edu

12.US$: 11475

Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

Tel: 614-292-3980

Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu

13.US$: 11784

Address: West Lafayette IN 47907

Tel: 765-494-1776

Web-site: www.purdue.edu

14.US$: 11852

Address: 100 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213

Tel: 800-752-1000

Web-site: www.umn.edu/tc

15.US$: 12309

Address: 300 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405

Tel: 812-855-0661

Web-site: www.indiana.edu/iub


1.US$: 9110

Address: P.O. Box 870112, Tempe, AZ 85287-0112

Tel: 602-965-7788

Web-site: www.asu.edu

2.US$: 9114

Address: P.O Box 210044 Tucson, AZ 85721-0040

Tel: 520-621-3237

Web-site: www.arizona.edu

3.US$: 9152

Address: 314 Alumni Hall, Ames IA 50011-2010

Tel: 800-262-3810

Web-site: www.iastate.edu

4.US$: 9455

Address: Gainesville, FL 32611

Tel: 352-392-1365

Web-site: www.ufl.edu

5.US$: 9921

Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332

Tel: (404) 894-4154

Web-site: www.gatech.edu

6.US$: 11370

Address: 506 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801

Tel: 217-333-0302

Web-site: www.uiuc.edu

7.US$: 11784

Address: West Lafayette IN 47907

Tel: 765-494-1776

Web-site: www.purdue.edu

8.US$: 12107

Address: Columbia MO 65211

Tel: 573-882-2456

Web-site: www.missouri.edu

9.US$: 12252

Address: Cincinnati OH 45221-0091

Tel: 513-556-1100

Web-site: www.uc.edu

10.US$: 13437

Address: 405 Hilgard Ave Los Angeles CA 90095-1436

Tel: 310-825-3101

Web-site: www.ucla.edu

10.US$: 13751

Address: Berkeley CA 94720

Tel: 510-642-3175

Web-site: www.berkeley.edu

11.US$: 18546

Address: 10900 Eucilid Ave, Cleveland OH 44106

Tel: 216-368-4450

Web-site: www.cwru.edu

12.US$: 18900

Address: 201 Tolley Admin Bldg Syracuse NY 13244

Tel: 315-443-3611

Web-site: www.syracuse.edu

13.US$: 19156

Address: Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Tel: 734-764-7433

Web-site: www.umich.edu

14.US$: 20400

Address: Castle Point on Hoboken, NJ 07030

Tel: 800-458-5323

Web-site: www.stevens-tech.edu


1.US$: 5670

Address: Birmingham, AL 35294

Tel: 800-421-8743

Web-site: main.uab.edu

2.US$: 11222

Address: College Park, MD 20742

Tel: 800-422-5867

Web-site: www.umd.edu

3.US$: 11475

Address:190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

Tel: 614-292-3980

Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu

4.US$: 13449

Address: Irvine CA 92717

Tel: 949-824-6703

Web-site: www.uci.edu

5.US$: 13458

Address: 300 Campus Dr. Bradford PA 16701-2898

Tel: 800-872-1787

Web-site: www.upb.pitt.edu

6.US$: 13604

Address: 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla 92093

Tel: 619-534-4831

Web-site: www.ucsd.edu




