
所属专题:留学美国  来源:    要点:美国留学  
编辑点评: 拿到留学录取通知书固然是个成功,但更确切的说这是个成功的开始。留学之路,最主要的当然是学习。什么样的学习方法更适合你?什么样的学习之道能祝你一臂之力更加顺利圆满的完成留学?



Up the ante


Studying takes time, especially when it’s part of preparing for an intense Biochem test or reading that 200-page history assignment. Most college students don’t allocate enough time to studying. So, this year, decide to put additional hours into work at home. Rule of Thumb:1 hour of class, 1- 1 ½ hour of studying. Extra for tests. The average college student spends 11-13 hours a week studying. The average college expects 25-30.


Never blow off two days in a row. 


During the semester, you need to be engaged in studying on a pretty constant basis. Most professors assign readings for each class, not to mention regularly giving quizzes and tests, and assigning papers and projects. What this means in practice is that the powers-that-be are assuming that you’ll never take off two days in a row from your studying. Look, we know this is a daunting thought to those of you who – last year – thought that studying was a twice a week (or, gasp, only on weekends) affair. But this year – your best studying year ever!


Avoid just-in-time studying.


Sometimes you’re assigned a longer-term project: a term- or research paper, a boatload of problems to do, or a semester-long study or project. Make sure to divide up the tasks needed to do the task and spread them out evenly over the available time; then be sure, as the weeks go by, to meet these self-imposed deadlines. It’s easy for these activities not to be on your radar screen when they’re due only at the end of April. But as the clock winds down , they’ll loom larger and larger – and your study time will become tenser and tenser.


Size up the study groups.


Many students find study groups to be an effective and pleasant way to study. Being in a study group can impel you to study – something you might not do if left to your own devices – and members of your group might be able to help you with material you’re having trouble understanding. But be sure to assess if your study group is really working for you. If you’re spending the whole time socializing rather than studying – well then, have fun, but don’t consider this to be part of your study time. And reconsider the value of your study group if you have to spend all your time helping your study partners get up to speed or if you’re doing all the work and your study partners are free-loading off your efforts. Charity is one thing, studying another.


Get help when you need it.


Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your study time turns into disaster time. You can’t do the assigned problems, understand the reading or grasp the point of the assignment. If this happens, don’t just bang your head against the wall. Contact your TA or professor (office hours are always on the syllabus and/or the assignment sheets). They won’t know that you don’t understand unless you tell them, and they want you to learn the stuff they’re asking you to study. A few questions answered and you could have learned a lot, and saved a lot of time to boot. What’s not to like about that?





