
所属专题:留学美国  来源:    要点:美国留学  
编辑点评: 拿到留学录取通知书固然是个成功,但更确切的说这是个成功的开始。留学之路,最主要的当然是学习。什么样的学习方法更适合你?什么样的学习之道能祝你一臂之力更加顺利圆满的完成留学?


Mine the study questions.


In many cases, professors hand out “study guides” or “practice exams” to help the students focus their study on the questions likely to be asked. Don’t just “look over” these important anticipations of the actual final, take the time to do them – writing them out is always best – under “test conditions.” This way, you can not only make precise your answers, but see what it’s like to do the work in a finite period of time under somewhat stressful conditions. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll get these actual questions on the test; and even if you don’t, you might get variants (that is, basically the same question with some minor changes) on your test.


Pay particular attention to any tips the prof offers as he or she hands out the study questions. Many times profs feel obligated to “make a few comments” as they hand out the sheet. And often, important clues slip out about what questions are really going to be on the test, what to focus your study on, or what is probably not going to be on the test.


Get last year’s version.


If you’re even minimally social, you probably have some friends who have taken this very course in the recent past. And they’ll probably remember what the prof asked on the final. Milk your friends; they’ll be happy to tell and no one has sworn them to secrecy.Before using this tip, make sure your friend has taken the course with the exact same professor as you. Professors have significant latitude in how they teach even the same course – and what they put on the final. So info about some other prof might not only be unuseful, it may be misleading.


Take the gifts.


Some nice professors – and also ones who know they haven’t taught so well and the whole class will do badly on the final—offer “review sessions” either in the evening or weekend or during the regular class time. Be sure to attend, and take careful notes at, these tip-offs about what’s going to be on the final. Not only do profs sometimes “go over” the course – in the process, locating those topics that are most likely to appear on the test—they also sometimes do actual questions (or ones quite similar) to the test they’ve prepared that very morning.


Look back to the graded work.


Not only previous tests, but also smaller and seemingly-less-important previous graded work, such as quizzes, homeworks, problem sets, and even ungraded diagnostic exercises can provide additional information about what the prof thinks most important and what could, therefore, appear on the test. After all, when the prof makes up the homeworks or quizzes, he or she is locating the most important things you need to know – albeit in smaller bite-size pieces.




You’d be amazed how many professors and TAs are willing to offer you glimpses of what will be on the final if you only take the time to ask. Go to an office hour and, instead of asking boldly about “what will be on the test,” ask whether you’re “studying in the right way.” Point to a couple of questions or problems you’ve been preparing and ask – politely and cordially—whether your finals-prep is on the right track. And then, sit quietly and listen very carefully to what the prof answers (sometimes it’s useful to take notes). Often the more time you give them to answer, the more they’ll give up “suggestions” that you can incorporate into your preparation. And then you won’t be left wondering so much about what will be on the exam, after all.

只要你肯问关于考试内容的信息,你会惊讶有多少教授和助教会很乐意的提供给你。去参加办公室答疑时间,与其赤裸裸的直接问“期末考什么”,不如试着问问“我学习的方向对吧”。 提出你所准备的几个知识点或问题,礼貌而诚挚的询问他们,不论你的期末考前准备是不是在正确的方向上。然后,静静的坐着,认真听教授给你的解答(有时边听边记笔记也很有帮助)。通常,他们有更多的时间解答,就会为你准备考试提出有更多的“建议”。当然,这之后,你就不会有关于考试内容的太多疑惑了。




