
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国留学  
编辑点评: 美国宪法是美国的根基,你有没有想过它和你的生活会有什么关系呢?也许美国国父对于我们来说很陌生,也许美国国会和我们不会有交集,但是我们依旧可以从美国宪法中学习到一些对生活有帮助的想法。

With classes, jobs, relationships, and the rest of the world spinning and fighting and warring, it’s easy to forget what happened before now. It’s nice to look back in history and remember just what the heck the founding fathers were trying to leave for the rest of us. The U.S. Constitution is a monumental document not just in America but in the world. As a college student, here’s just a few things one can learn from it.


Process, Take it Slow


The U.S. Constitution is full of amendments, 27 to be exact and these amendments weren’t drawn up in one sitting. There’s an amendment process that starts with a proposal which has to be approved and then it has to be ratified by a group of people. The process can be tiresome and time-consuming but spending time to discuss major decisions can be very helpful.


Whatever you do in college, you should think about how you’re going to do it, and try your best to think about your decisions objectively, from as many angles as possible before pulling the trigger. Sure, you may not have a congressional court to help you debate what’s the best choice but it helps to slow it down a bit when making big decisions. Maybe you don’t really need that $500 T.V. during Black Friday? Do you really want your girlfriend to move in with you? Should you or should you not take that extra course? Weigh your options.




Don’t let others bring you down, or hinder you in anyway. College is such a strange time where we’re all trying to find out just what the heck we want to do for the rest of our lives and sometimes, who we want to spend our lives with. When you’re met with an obstacle, just remember you can fight through it, just like our founding fathers did against the British years and years ago. Fight for what you want and what you believe.


Majority Rules


Proposed amendments have to be approved by a two-thirds vote. This isn’t a bad idea when it comes to our own lives. Most of us may not have Congress to help us work out our personal issues but we do have friends and family that are willing to listen, that is, if you buy them pizza or coffee, or something. It doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion on things, and this is after you’ve thought it through by yourself. Debate and discussion is good.





