
所属专题:留学生活  来源:    要点:留学学习  
编辑点评: 很多留学生可能因为各种原因而对就读的学校不满意,这时转校便成为了他们的第一反应。随着越来越多辍学生成功经商案例的披露,部分留学生可能也会因而受到各种影响。究竟应该退而求其次的安分守己的读书,还是抱着“人生就是一场赌博”的态度大胆迈出下一步——转校甚而辍学,你会怎么选择?


6. “Will my courses transfer?” Many states (California is in the lead) guarantee that the beginning or “lower-division” courses transfer one-to-one from community colleges to four-year state universities. And even in states that don’t guarantee the whole shebang, “articulation agreements” (available on the state’s higher education website) show which individual courses will transfer. Be sure, however, that courses in your proposed major will transfer as well; to the extent that specialized community college courses might be less rigorous than their four-year state university brethren, you might get only college credit (not credit toward your major).

6. 我的课程(学分)可以转吗?在许多州(以加利福尼亚州为首)保证基础课或是“低年级”课程从社区大学到四年制大学实行一比一的转换制度。即使是在没有这种保证的州,“衔接协议”(可在国家高等教育网查询)表明哪些单独的课程可以进行转换。但是,确保你的拟修专业课程也进行转换;在某种程度,某些社区大学专业课程可能没有四年制大学严格,你可能只能拿到大学学分(而不是专业学分)。

7. “What is the true cost?” Be sure to figure out not only what financial aid you might be getting from your target school, but also how many “years to degree” remain for you. It’s one thing to be told that you’re going to a four-year college; it’s another thing to find out that, given your background, it’s really a five-—or six- or seven-—year program. And keep in mind that (depending on the college you’re transferring to) the pot of money for financial aid to transfer students might be substantially less than for straight-out-of-high-school students (so if you have a good deal at your current school, you might want to stay the course).

7. 代价是什么?记得不仅要弄清楚你可以从新学校得到什么经济补助,还要弄明白想拿到学位你还要读多少年。你被告知将要去读四年制大学是一回事情,发觉鉴于你的个人背景,实际你要读五年、六年、甚至七年的项目则是另一回事情。而且记得对转校生的经济补助可能比起直接从高中入学的学生大幅缩水(这取决于你要转入的学校)(所以如果你在现在的学校情况不错,你可能应该留在这里。)

8. “Will the year off advance my career (or am I just looking for a year off)?” If you’re considering taking a year off from college, it’s very important that you examine (honestly and to yourself) your true motivation. Are you traveling to China to improve your language skills so that you can land a bang-up job at Walmart International, or are you so bummed out by this college thing that any change of scene would be an improvement? Look, it’s no shame to want out of college for a while, but don’t tell yourself that you’re taking a year off to invest in your career’s future.

8. 休学一年会提升我的事业吗(或是我仅仅是想休息一年)如果你在考虑休学一年,检验自己的真是动机尤为重要(要如实回答)。你真的是远渡重洋去中国提高语言能力期望能够在沃尔玛国际部得到个好工作?还是你只是对大学太过失望以至于任何转变的机会都当成是种进步?听着,想逃离大学一阵子并没什么羞愧的,但是不要骗自己休学一年是为了你将来的事业。

9. “Am I an academic nomad?” Some students move from college to college—often with extended breaks in between—four or five times. If you find yourself changing schools every year—perhaps because you’re restless, demand 100-percent perfection, or think that the grass is always greener on the other side—you should think out whether it’s really a good idea to move yet again. It’s one thing to make a directed move one time in your college career; it’s another thing to do a yearly migration.

9. 我是学术游民吗?有些学生从一所学校转到另一所学校——常常在转换过程中延长休假——四、五次。如果你发觉自己每年都转校——可能因为你正焦躁不安、追求十全十美、或是总觉得其他学校的草地更绿——你应该彻底想一想再转校到底是不是个好主意。在你的大学生涯直接转校一次是一回事情,做一年一度的游民则是另外一回事情。

10. “Will I ever go back?” If you’re aborting your college experience with the idea that a couple of years down the road you’ll resume your college path, think very carefully about your choice. Most students have built up a certain inertia after even one year of college, which, once disrupted, is very hard to recover. It’s not that no one ever successfully goes back to college, it’s just that for most people, it’s twice as hard.

10. 我会有一天回头吗?如果你决定放弃你的大学生涯却还想着也许几年后也许还会吃回头草,三思而后行。绝大多数的学生逐渐建立了某种的惯性,即使是离校一年,一旦打断,就很难再复原。并不是说没人成功复学,只是对于绝大多数人,难上加难。




