
所属专题:留学生活  来源:    要点:留学学习  
编辑点评: 大学中会有许多文章等着我们完成:平时的作业,期中、期末论文,甚至毕业论文。你知道怎么样的文章才算做一篇好论文吗?又如何能够写出令教授满意的论文已取得好成绩呢?不妨来看看一下这几点提示。



6. Give your paper direction. Once you’ve figured out what the main point of your paper, you need to organize your points so that they all work together to support your main idea. Be sure to carefully consider the order of the points to be introduced. An excellent paper has structure and direction: the reader can understand why the points are coming when they do, and how each works to advance the point of your paper.

6. 行文有序。一旦你确立了文章的中心思想,所有分论点应该组织有序且支持中心思想。一定要注意行文顺序和分论点的排列。一篇优秀的论文是既有结构又有方向的:读者可以明白为什么这里会出现这个论点,每个论点如何加强了文章的中心思想。

7. Write for a reasonably intelligent person – not the professor. One of the most common mistakes in college paper writing is to assume that the reader already knows the answer and, hence, it’s enough if you just gesture at your points. A good paper, on the other hand, explains the points fully and clearly enough so that someone who didn’t know the answer could understand your view just from what’s written on the page.

7. 面向聪明的读者——而不是教授。大学论文写作中最常见的误区之一就是假定读者已经知道答案,因此常常点到而已。一篇好的文章,恰恰相反,充分解释其观点、清晰明了,从而让那些不知道答案的读者可以通过文章所言而理解你的观点。

Extra Pointer. Be sure to explain any technical terms, or terms not being used in their ordinary English meaning. Never assume that the prof or TA will understand such terms just because he or she used them in class.


8. Have a quote quota. Unless instructed otherwise, you should not have elaborate quotes as parts of your paper; often a brief citation of the main few words or sentences (with proper footnotes) is more than enough. That’s because what the professor is looking for is how you understand the material. This is best demonstrated when you explain in your own words (with only brief quotes) what some author is saying – and meaning.

8. 引用有限额。除非有这样的要求,否则文章中不应该出现详述式的引用;通常简洁的对主要几个词汇或句子的引用(加上适当的注脚)就够了。这是因为教授所看重的是你如何理解这些材料。最佳的演示应该是你用自己的语言解释说明(仅仅加上简洁的引用)比其作者的说法和观点。

9. Reach a conclusion. One of the things a professor likes to see is a firm conclusion at the end of a paper. Students sometimes are shy about taking a stand; but the paper is asking you to give your answer to what’s asked. This doesn’t mean you should be dogmatic or opinionated, or refuse to consider arguments or evidence that goes against your view. But it does mean that you shouldn’t just list considerations on both sides and leave it to the reader to figure out what the answer to the question really is.

9. 总结全文。一个结尾处严格的总结是教授喜欢看到的论文所具有的因素之一。学生有时对表明立场很腼腆;但是论文恰恰是要求你回答所提出的的问题。这并不意味着你要武断的固执己见,或是拒绝其他不支持你观点的讨论或证据。但是这意味这你不应该仅仅罗列双方观点而留给读者去思考问题的答案。

10. Deal the professor in. You might be surprised to hear that many professors enjoy thinking, and talking, about the question asked – especially if the course is in the prof’s field of research. You can join the conversation – and the intellectual exercise – by going to see the professor, or even by emailing or Skyping him or her before you finalize your paper. You’ve paid for this faculty/student interaction. You should use it.


Bonus tip. Be sure to proofread your paper. Even if your professor doesn’t take off for spelling and grammar, he or she can’t help but think less of your ideas if they’re expressed with bonehead spelling mistakes or sentences that are grammatically incorrect. Well worth the few minutes of extra time.





