
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:出国留学  
编辑点评: PS个人陈述恐怕是留学申请材料之中的重中之重。一篇好的个人陈述不仅能将自己的经历完整的传达给招生考官,更能成为自己与校方交涉的重要筹码。下面是我们搜集的几篇美国航空航天专业的个人陈述英文范文,希望对大家的美国留学申请个人陈述写作有所帮助,我们提供的个人陈述英文模板仅供参考,请大家不要照搬。


My purpose for applying to graduate school is to both expand on my existing knowledge and to create additional opportunities for myself in the future. I believe that graduate school will prepare me for a successful and challenging career in the aerospace industry.

Even though I have chosen dynamics as my field of specialization, I am keeping my mind open to other areas of aerospace so that I do not limit myself. I am currently working at JPL in an academic part time position and I believe that this first hand experience will clarify my future educational needs and directions.

While attending UCLA, I have had a number of part time positions, which included being a computer consultant, AutoCAD operator, and a lab for the Non-Destructive Evaluation Laboratory at UCLA. My diverse work experiences have given me a better understanding of what opportunities are available to me. There is so much that I would want to learn and under-stand. I have always been fascinated with the space program, and some day, I want to be instrumental in operating in the space program.

I have wanted to be an engineer ever since my father shared with me some of his published engineering ariticles. I have always been a hard worker and have shown that I can handle a diverse work load incoporating work and college intocollege into my schedule.

I believe that UCLA can provide me with the tools to succeed in the aerospace industry. I have enjoyed attending UCLA as an undergraduate student and would enjoy being a graduate student here as well. 




