
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国医科  
编辑点评: 你从儿时就梦想做医生吗?或是对医科兴趣渐浓?一直听说美国医疗专业很赞,但是对于留学生来说录取却也异常难。这虽然不是耸人听闻,但是也并不代表留学生留美攻读医疗科学没有可能。看看文中的三点提示是否对你有所帮助。

If you're an aspiring medical student hoping to attend a U.S. medical school and you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you have probably heard that it's extremely difficult for international students to be admitted to or pay for a U.S. medical school.


Premedical advisory websites from undergraduate institutions around the country advise their students that it is very unlikely that international students can attend, or find the financial resources to attend, an American medical school. Yale University even goes one step further, advising prospective undergraduate students to think carefully about applying with the intention of eventually attending a U.S. medical institution.


The biggest difficulty students from overseas, or those without certain legal residency statuses, face is the inability to access federal student loan funding. The Yale website also notes that scholarships to attend medical school are rare for even U.S. applicants, let alone those from abroad.


Association of American Medical Colleges admissions statistics from 2011 note that 88.4 percent of foreign applicants didn't matriculate to a U.S. institution, versus a range of approximately 40 percent to 60 percent of applicants from each U.S. state. Public institutions, it also emphasized, rarely admit out-of-state U.S. applicants, and virtually no international ones, due to funding constraints.


If you want to attend an American medical school, what is the best strategy?


1. Research early: This may sound obvious, but depending on your stage in the medical school search process, thorough research can be very important to avoid potential disappointment or missed opportunities.

1. 先下手为强:这可能看起来显而易见,但却取决于你对医学院探寻进程的阶段,周密的探寻是避免潜在失望或错失良机的关键点。

It is important to decide, for example, where you want to complete your undergraduate work. Determining the financial aid policies for international students at your schools of choice is even more important, as some schools require four years of tuition deposited up front into an escrow (or third party) account, or proof of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets. If schools do not specifically require financial information, it may be needed anyway to apply for a F-1 student visa.


A good place to start is the website of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, which provides a comprehensive list of school-specific policies regarding how they define "international students" and what opportunities may be available to those students.


2. Consider completing some coursework in the U.S.: The schools that do admit international applicants typically require a bachelor's degree issued by a U.S. institution, or at least one year of U.S.-based coursework. The schools prefer that the coursework at a U.S. school be in the sciences.

2. 考虑在美国完成课业:那些录取国际申请者的学校通常会要求一份由美国机构提供的本科学历,或者至少为期一年的在美学习课业。学校更倾向于在美学习的是科学课业。

If you are already finishing, or have finished, your undergraduate degree outside the United States—or Canada for some schools—it may be worth your while to plan a year of coursework at an American institution. That will help you not only meet requirements and open doors to applying to more schools, but it will also help you determine whether studying in the United States is ultimately right for you.


3. Consider M.D./Ph.D. programs: Because slots for these positions are usually fully funded, due to the Ph.D. component, international students are generally thought to fare slightly better in gaining admission and funding for pursuing a medical education through this route in the United States.

3. 考虑研究生、博士生项目:因为这些职位通常是有充足资金支持的,由于博士的组成,在美国留学生通常被认为更容易获得录取资格以及医科教育的基金资助。

However, international students are subject to the same requirements, must have a solid research track record, and should be committed to a career as a physician-scientist. Schools value applicants' career ambitions heavily, as it can cost more than $350,000 to train students in these programs. A list of institutions offering positions via the Medical Scientist Training Program is available through the National Institutes of Health.


Don't be discouraged if you are determined to attend a medical school in the United States. In 2011, 174 non-U.S. applicants matriculated at a U.S. medical school, according to the AAMC.


Many schools have the same admissions standards for domestic and foreign applicants and would offer admission in the same manner, although for foreign admits, they are contingent on financing. There are also school-specific loan programs, such as at Yale, in addition to programs offered by major banks, some of which require American cosigners.








