伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham),位于英格兰伯明翰市,是英国历史上著名的6所“红砖大学“之一,本文为大家带来的是Times上伯明翰大学各专业的排名。
经济学(Economics) 7th
商业研究(Business Studies) 34th
会计与金融(Accounting and Finance ) 13th
地质学(Geology) 20th
地理与环境科学(Geography and Environmental Sciences) 18th
电子电气工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 18th
牙科医学(Dentistry) 11th
计算机科学(Computer Science) 22nd
土木工程(Civil Engineering) 26th
化学(Chemistry) 27th
化学工程(Chemical Engineering ) 10th
生物科学(Biological Sciences) 15th
材料技术(Materials Technology) 4th
数学(Mathematics) 10th
机械工程(Mechanical Engineering) 23rd
医学(Medicine) 13th
护理(Nursing) 27th
医学相关专业(Other Subjects Allied to Medicine) 38th
物理与天文学(Physics and Astronomy) 11th
城镇规划和景观设计(Town and Country Planning and Landscape) 21st
法律(Law) 18th
意大利语(Italian) 3rd
伊比利亚语言(Iberian Languages) 7th
招待、休闲、体育、康乐(Hospitality; Leisure; Sport; Recreation and Tourism)专 2nd
历史(History) 20th
德语(German) 5th
法语(French) 21st
英文(English) 48th
教育学(Education) 17th
戏剧;舞蹈和电影(Drama; Dance and Cinematics) 11th
经典和古代历史(Classics and Ancient History) 10th
艺术、建筑和设计史(History of art, architecture and design) 3rd
艺术与设计(Art and Design) 16th
中东及非洲研究(Middle Eastern and African Studies) 5th
音乐(Music) 12th
哲学(Philosophy) 25th
政治学(Politics) 14th
心理学(Psychology) 18th
俄语及东欧语言(Russian and Eastern European languages) 3rd
社会政策(Social Policy) 15th
考古学(Archaeology) 16th
社会学(Sociology) 22nd
社会工作(Social Work) 10th
神学和宗教研究(Theology and Religious Studies) 27th
美国研究(American Studies) 7th
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