More than 1,000 bodies have been found buried on the campus of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, forcing authorizes to put a construction project on hold.
Construction workers made the grisly discovery while surveying land for a new parking lot. The bodies are believed to have been patients at the old Mississippi State Lunatic Asylum 100 years ago.
“The property that the University of Mississippi Medical Center is located on used to be the location of the state insane asylum, which operated from 1855 to 1935,” university spokesman Jack Mazurak told Yahoo News.
Mazurak said that the discovery was not entirely unexpected as workers had come across unmarked graves before.
“Historically we knew that there were a lot of graves, many of which were not marked. In the '90s, we took the handful of marked graves and reinterred them in a designated cemetery area,” he said.
In fall of 2012, Mazurak said, construction workers found “an area that had rows of graves” while they were working on a project to extend a road for a new intersection on the campus.
Dr. James Keeton, dean of the medical school, said that paying for reburials elsewhere would cost about $3,000 a piece, or $3 million total.
The dean added that medical center officials might have to cancel other expansion projects on property west of the dental school because more bodies-- former slaves, TB victims and possibly even Civil War dead-- may lie beneath the earth.
这些遗体大约已有百年以上的历史,学校发言人杰克(Jack Mazurak)称,可能要追溯到百年前该所大学的前身——密西西比州立精神病院,该设施于1855年内战结束前开放,直到1935年才搬迁到其他地方。因此校方不排除这处林地可能是当时疯人院埋葬死亡病患的墓地。
“更糟的是,没有人知道埋葬在那里的遗体的名字。”医学院院长詹姆斯(Dr. James Keeton)表示,此前也曾在校区发现过无名墓地,并进行了迁墓,但数量不超过100个。如果这次要重新安置千余具尸骨,每具遗体需要3000美元,总计约300万美元“搬迁费”。目前校方并没有多余的经费,无法负担如此庞大的开支,因此只能被迫暂停停车库建设项目,另寻他址。
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