
所属专题:美国留学  来源:    要点:美国面签  
编辑点评: 面签一直是广大留学生们比较担心的问题,本文就针对该问题做了一个全程解析,希望能对大家有所帮助。


一 预约技巧

1.先打大使馆总机,再打预约分机较易打进。 2.长途电话和手机似乎较易打进。 3.中午2:00-2:30较易打进。

二 去大使馆需带

1.护照 2.中信银行的收据,OF1563.中/英文成绩单 4.GRE成绩单5.TOEFL成绩单 6.I-20 7.研究生院的录取信and系里面的给钱的信.

三 注意

作好被问专业英语或课程的准备。 签证的时候,把录取信、T、G成绩、本科成绩单一起直接 交给签证官,别等他问。免得听错或节外生支。 想几个回国的过硬理由。

四 开始打招呼

Good morning/afternoon, Sir/Madam. (其余略)

五 一般性问题 

What degree will you pursue?When will you get your bachelor's degree? Do you have a master degree? When are you going to enter US?Why so early? So what will you do in the US?When did you begin your study in Peking University?What is your dad's job? Where will you live? Any other school admits you?Why you choose this one? Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world?What is your favorite pet? Why?Why the univ give you funding?How long will you stay in the United States?

六 专业

What did you study in your undergraduate period? So what will you study in US?Why do you choose ...? What do you do with your work for this degree(B.S.)?What is it all about? What is it for? (major) Can you talk something about the course ***?Can you give a example of your topic that is applied in our living?What is the main aspect of your major? What are the planets in the solar system?

七 难点

What will you do after you finish your Ph.D in US? (And what's your plan after you graduate?) (Oh, you will not come back to China after you graduate, right?) (Oh! You will go to US and work there! You go to american for work!) What's your best/worst quality.What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?Why do you want to go to US to pursue your Ph.d?What is the thing you like best in America..enn..no , the thing you like best in China? Well, Why will u study in US? Then what is the thing you don't like most in China? Why do you want to get your Ph.D's degree in America?What is your dream? Give me three reasons that you will come back. Then can you explain why so many Chinese students do not come back?How much will you earn if you come back? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?





