
 来源:    要点:GMAT逻辑分析  
编辑点评: GMAT考试对于很多中国考生而言,难点不在词汇,不在数学,甚至不在写作,而是GMAT逻辑,而由于其他的考试很少涉及逻辑类考题,因此GMAT逻辑例题数量很少,而针对GMAT逻辑例题进行详细解答更是少之又少,针对这个问题,选出具有代表性的GMAT逻辑例题,为大家剖析GMAT逻辑例题解题方法。

In Patton City, days are categorized as having heavy rainfall (more than two inches),moderate rainfall (more than one inch, but no more than two inches), light rainfall (at least a trace, but no more than one inch), or no rainfall. In 1990, there were fewer days with light rainfall than in 1910 and fewer with moderate rainfall, yet total rainfall for the year was 20 percent higher in 1990 than in 1910.

If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City

A. the number of days with heavy rainfall was lower in 1990 than in 1910

B. the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was the same in 1990 as in 1910

C. the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was higher in 1990 than in 1910

D. the total number of inches of rain that fell on days with moderate rainfall in 1990 was more than twice what it had been in 1910

E. the average amount of rainfall per month was lower in 1990 than in 1910

已知:heavy rainfall > 2 inches; 2>=moderate rainfall > 1; 0

且 1990年小雨和中雨的天数都比1910少,然而1990年全年的降雨量还比1910多,那就只能是1990年的大雨天数比1910多,一般我们都会这样的预估,但选项恰恰没有该项。迷茫中,看到了D,误以为找到了救星,正好落在了出题者的陷阱之中。

细看该题所问“If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City”,原来并非是由原文推出选项的导出题,而是一道怪题;只要是“可能的”项就是正确的。换句话说,依据原文,有四个选项是绝不可能的,只有一个是可能的。

那再看D,在1990年中雨天数比1910少的情况下,其降雨量可以超过1910的2倍吗?绝不可能 ------ 因为2>=moderate rainfall > 1,即最大的中雨量不超过最小的中雨量的2倍,也就是:即便1990的中雨天每次都是最大量,而1910的中雨量每次都是最小量,那么D都不能成立。








