
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 新GRE考试改革后,虽然取消了原先的类比与反义题型,但是对单词的考察依旧是重点之一。本文为大家汇总了新GRE考试填空部分的五选一题型的例题,配有解题思路,供大家参考、学习。


5, Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed "more likely than not" to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patents.

Blank(i) A, presumed verifiable 被假设为可被证实的

B, carefully scrutinized 被仔细审查的

C, considered capricious 被认为反复无常的

Blank(ii) D, corroborating 证实,支持

E, advancing 促进

F, debunking 揭穿

Blank(iii)G, novel 新的

H, bogus 伪造的

I, obsolete 废弃的,过时的

(i) 题型:反义重复 

思路:1, Unless A, B 相当于 A= Not B

2, 因为 B= a good reason for doubt is found(可以被质疑), 所以空格(i)= 不可被质疑。所以选项 A 为正确答案。

(ii) 题型:反义转折重复

思路:1,although A, B 相当于 A=Not B

2,A= patents are challenged, B= no incentive exists ͙to expend effort (ii) ______

3,空格(ii)=challenged,所以选项 F, debunking(揭穿)为正确答案

(iii) 题型:同义因果重复

思路:1, 因为 A, 所以 B 相当于 A=B

2, A=没有人有 incentive 去揭穿错误专利

3,选项 H, bogus(伪造的)最接近 A 能导致的结果,也就是"不断地会有伪造 的设备不断产生不必然的专利"




