
所属专题:新GRE机经  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 想要攻克新GRE数学,一定要掌握好数学的基础知识点,还要识记有关新GRE数学的词汇。对于新GRE数学中的一系列重要考点,小编都将进行详细分析。今天为大家整理的是关于平均数的内容。



Average of n numbers of arithmetic progression (AP) is the average of the smallest and the largest number of them. The average of m number can also be written as x + d(m-1)/2.


The average of all integers from 1 to 5 is (1+5)/2=3

The average of all odd numbers from 3 to 3135 is (3+3135)/2=1569

The average of all multiples of 7 from 14 to 126 is (14+126)/2=70


Make sure no number is missing in the middle.

With more numbers, average of an ascending AP increases.

With more numbers, average of a descending AP decreases.

AP:numbers from sum

given the sum s of m numbers of an AP with constant increment d, the numbers in the set can be calculated as follows:

the first number x = s/m - d(m-1)/2,and the n-th number is s/m + d(2n-m-1)/2.


if the sum of 7 consecutive even numbers is 70, then the first number x = 70/7 - 2(7-1)/2 = 10 - 6 = 4.

the last number (n=m=7)is 70/7+2(2*7-7-1)/2=10+6=16.the set is the even numbers from 4 to 16.


given the first number x, it is easy to calculate other numbers using the formula for n-th number: x+(n-1)

AP:numbers from average

all m numbers of an AP can be calculated from the average. the first number x = c-d(m-1)/2, and the n-th number is c+d(2n-m-1)/2, where c is the average of m numbers.


if the average of 15 consecutive integers is 20, then the first number x=20-1*(15-1)/2=20-7=13 and the last number (n=m=15) is 20+1*(2*15-15-1)/2=20+7=27.

if the average of 33 consecutive odd numbers is 67, then the first number x=67-2*(33-1)/2=67-32=35 and the last number (n=m=33) is 67+2*(2*33-33-1)/2=67+32=99.


sum of the m numbers is c*m,where c is the average.




