
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 大家在备考GRE数学的时候,最好的办法就是多做题,打牢自己的数学基础知识。本文为大家整理了一些GRE数学考试中出现的难题,大家仔细研读,找出自己的薄弱点,对症下药,希望对大家的备考有帮助。


91.If 72.42= k[24+(n/100)], where k and n are positive integers and n < 100, then k + n =_____

A.17    B.16   C.15   D.14   E.13

92. In how many of the ten years from 1965 through 1974 was electricity use of Company T between 25,000 and 30,000 kilowatt-hour for at least one month?

A. None B. One C. Two D. Three E. Four

93. Approximately how many kilowatt-hours of electricity did Company T use during the entire year of 1971?

A. 190,000 B.210,000 C.230,000 D.250,000 E.270,000

94. Which of the following fractions is equal to the repeating decimal 0.3636….?

A.1/275 B.2/55 C.4/99 D.4/11 E.4/9

95. these questions refer to the following table.

If the population of State I had increased by the same amount each year from 1980 to 1988, approximately what would the population of State I have been in 1988?

A.7,628,000 B.7,676,000 C.7,698,000 D.7,710,000 E.7,716,000


Column A: xy

Column B: 0

answer: C

97. A political poll showed that 80 percent of those polled said they would vote for proposition P. Of those who said they would vote for proposition P. 70 percent actually voted for P, and of those who did not say they would vote for P, 20 percent actually voted for P. What percent of those polled voted for P?

A.56% B.60% C.64% D.76% E.90%

98. For which of the following values of v is v+(1/v) greatest?

A. 0.002   B.0.005   C.2   D.5   E.200

99. What percent of the integers between 100 and 999, inclusive, have all three digits the same?

A.1%   B.2%   C.3%   D.4%   E.5%

100. The average (arithmetic mean) height for a group of m men is 70 inches, and the average height for a group of f women is 64 inches. When the groups are combined, the average height is 66 inches.

Column A: m

Column B: f




