
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 大家在备考GRE数学的时候,最好的办法就是多做题,打牢自己的数学基础知识。本文为大家整理了一些GRE数学考试中出现的难题,大家仔细研读,找出自己的薄弱点,对症下药,希望对大家的备考有帮助。


81. Both soup S soup T contain polyunsaturated fat, and each contains more saturated fat than polyunsaturated fat. Soup T contains 2 more grams of saturated fat and 2 more grams of polyunsaturated fat per serving than soup S.

Column A: The ratio of the amount of saturated fat to the amount of polyunsaturated fat in soup S.

Column B: The ratio of the amount of saturated fat to the amount of polyunsaturated fat in soup T.

82. According to the weather forecast above, approximately how many hours of sunshine are expected on November 24?

A.21/4   B.27/4   C.15/2   D.33/4   E.39/4

83. If N/2 and M/5 are both integers, which of the following expressions must also be an integer?

A. (N+M)/7    B.(N)(M)/7    C.[(N/2)+(M/5)]/2    D. (N+M)/10    E. (N)(M)/10

84. If the total value of sales of long-playing albums in 1985 was $1280 million, then the average (arithmetic mean) selling price of a long-playing album that year was closest to____

A. $6.00    B.$6.50    C.$7.00    D.$7.50    E.$8.00


86. From 1990 to 2000, the projected gain in the number of people in the United States labor force is approximately what percent of the projected gain for Asia?

A.48% B.24% C.17% D.9% E.4%

87. T is no more than 20 percent greater than the integer x, and T is no smaller than a number 20 percent less than the integer x. If T = 60, which of the following indicates the smallest possible interval for x?

A.40 ≤x≤80   B. 48≤x≤75   C. 48≤x≤72   D. 50≤x≤78   E. 50≤x≤75

88.The average (arithmetic mean) of w, x, and y is 9.

Column A: The average (arithmetic mean) of 2w – y, 3x+6, and 3y-x

Column B: 20


89. Rack A holds 80 pairs of slacks with prices ranging from $12 to $15 a pair, and rack B holds 60 pairs of slacks with prices ranging from $13 to $18 a pair. If all the slacks are sold, what is the greatest amount by which the revenue from the sale of slacks on rack B?

A.$430    B.$412    C.$122   D.$120   E.$112

90.Column A:(2x+3y)*(2x+3y)




