
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 大家在备考GRE数学的时候,最好的办法就是多做题,打牢自己的数学基础知识。本文为大家整理了一些GRE数学考试中出现的难题,大家仔细研读,找出自己的薄弱点,对症下药,希望对大家的备考有帮助。


1.Sixty-eight people are sitting in 20 cars and each car contains at most 4 people. What is the maximum possible number of cars that could contain exactly 1 of the 68 people?

A.2    B.3    C.4    D.8    E.12

2.if n is any prime number greater than 2, which of the following cannot be a prime number?

A.n-4    B.n-3    C.n-1    D.n+2    E.n+5

3.In 1988 Mr. Smith’s annual income was greater than Mrs. Smith’s annual income. In 1989 Mr. Smith’s annual income decreased by p percent, whereas Mrs. Smith’s annual income increased by p percent. (p>0)

Column A: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1988

Column B: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1989

4.How many integers between 101 and 201 are equal to the square of some integer?

A. Two    B. Three    C. Four    D. Five    E. Six

5. The price of a certain stock was 12*1/2 dollars per share.

    The price increased x percent to 15*5/8 dollars per share.

Column A: x

Column B: 20

6. The “reflection” of a positive integer is obtained by reversing its digits. For example, 321 is the reflection of 123. The difference between a five-digit integer and its reflection must be divisible by which of the following?

A.2    B.4    C.5    D.6    E.9

7. Column A: 1/(1-0.03)

Column B: 1.03

8.The original value of machine X is V dollars, while the original value of machine Y is 2V dollars. Both machines depreciate in value at a constant rate of 10 percent of their original value per year.

Column A: The value of machine X after 3 years

Column B: The value of machine X after 6 years

9. If n is an odd integer, which of the following is the square of the next larger odd integer?

A. n*n+1    B. n*n+4    C. n*n+2n+1    D. n*n+4n+1    E.n*n+n+1

10. If 55 percent of a group of people have brown hair and 80 percent of the same group do not have red hair, what fraction of those who do not have brown hair red hair?

A. 1/4    B.4/11    C.4/9    D.5/9    E.4/5




