Aedes albopictus, a variety of mosquito that has recently established itself in the southeastern United States, is less widespread than the indigenous swamp mosquito. Both the swamp mosquito and A. albopictus can carry viruses that are sometimes fatal to humans, but A. albopictus is a greater danger to public health. Each of the following, if true, provides additional information that strengthens the judgment given about the danger to public health EXCEPT:
(A) Unlike the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus originated in Asia, and larvae of it were not observed in the United States before the mid-1980's.
(B) Unlike the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus tends to spend most of its adult life near human habitation.
(C) Unlike swamp mosquito larvae, A. albopictus larvae survive in flower pots, tin cans, and many small household objects that hold a little water.
(D) In comparison with the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus hosts a much wider variety of viruses known to cause serious diseases in humans.
(E) A. albopictus seeks out a much wider range of animal hosts than does the swamp mosq-uito, and it is more likely to bite humans.
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