Soft Drink Manufacturer:Our new children's soft drink, RipeCal, is fortified with calcium. Since calcium is essential for developing healthy bones, drinking RipeCal regularly will help make children healthy. Consumer Advocate:But RipeCal also contains large amounts of sugar, and regularly consuming large amounts of sugar is unhealthful, especiallyfor children.
In responding to the soft drink manufacturer, the consumer advocate does which of the following?
(A)Challenges the manufacturer's claim about the nutritional value of calcium in children's diets
(B)Argues that the evidence cited by the manufac-turer, when properly considered, leads to a conclusion opposite to that reached by the manufacturer.
(C)Implies that the manufacturer of a product is typically unconcerned with the nutritional value of that product.
(D)Questions whether a substance that is healthful when eaten in moderation can be unhealthful when eaten in excessive amounts.
(E)Presents additional facts that call into question the conclusion drawn by the manufacturer.
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