新GRE逻辑阅读 每日一练12

所属专题:GRE阅读  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: GRE阅读考试的材料,非常强调逻辑的关系,所以逻辑要点是大家在解GRE阅读题的时候的关键,本文就为大家例举了这样一篇逻辑短文,供大家参考和练习。


In the 1750‘s, when salons were firmly established in France, some English women, who called themselves ―Bluestocking,‖ followed the example of the salonnieres (French salon hostesses) and formed 5 their own salons. Most Bluestockings did not wish to mirror the salonnieres; they simply desired to adapt a proven formula to their own purpose—the elevation of women‘s status through moral and intellectual training. Differences in social orientation and back- 10 ground can account perhaps for differences in the nature of French and English salons. The French salon incorporated aristocratic attitudes that exalted courtly pleasure and emphasized artistic accomplish-ments. The English Bluestockings, originating from a 15 more modest background, emphasized learning and work over pleasure. Accustomed to the regimented life of court circles, salonnieres tended toward formality in their salons. The English women, though somewhatpuritanical, were more casual in their approach. (139 words)

3. According to the passage, a significant distinction

between the salonnieres and Bluestockings was in the

way each group regarded which of the following?

(A) The value of acquiring knowledge

(B) The role of pleasure in the activities of the literary salon

(C) The desirability of a complete break with societal traditions

(D) The inclusion of women of different back-grounds in the salons

(E) The attainment of full social and political equality with men

4. The author refers to differences in social back-ground between salonnieres and Bluestockings in order to do which of the following?

(A) Criticize the view that their choices of activities were significantly influenced by male salon members

(B) Discuss the reasons why literary salons in France were established before those in England

(C) Question the importance of the Bluestockings in shaping public attitudes toward educated women

(D) Refute the argument that the French salons had little influence over the direction the English salons took

(E) Explain the differences in atmosphere and style in their salons

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

5. Which of the following statements is most compatible with the principles of the salonnieres as described in the passage?

□A Devotion to pleasure and art is justified in itself.

□B Men should be excluded from groups of women‘s rights supporters.

□C Women should aspire to be not only educated but independent as well.






