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acerbic: 辛辣的; 尖酸的; acid in temper, mood, or tone

1) sour or harsh in taste, mood, or temperament

2) having a sour or bitter taste or character

3) harsh or corrosive in tone

4) (adj.) tasting sour; harsh in language or temper

Synonyms: acidic, caustic, harsh, sharpacerbic <> sweet, saccharin

Too much Bay Leaf will make the eggplant acerbic.

The baby's mouth puckered when she was given the acerbic medicine.

The columnist's acerbic comments about the First Lady drew a strong denunciation from the President.

1. The labor union and the company's management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly swift, albeit still tentative, agreement on next year's contract.

2. He tried to hide his bad mood, but his acerbic reply gave his anger away.

adj. 酸涩的心情、心境或者语调: marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings

【例】 acerbic commentary 尖酸的评论

【近】 pungent, sardonic, satiric, scalding, scathing

【反】 sweet, saccharin 甜的,糖精(甜)

【派】 acerbity n. 酸

shurburt is too acerbic for some people





