
 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 本文是为大家详细整理的新GRE词汇复习资料,包括词汇的考法、例子、近义词和反义词等,大家平时也可以根据这样的形式,自己整理一下经常会考的词汇,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。


obsequious: 奉承的; full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning

1) characterized by fawning or servile attentiveness

2) overly submissive and eager to please

3) servilely attentive; fawning

4) obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree

5) Overly submissive and eager to please

sycophant : obsequious

obsequious : deferential

obsequious : attentiveness

obsequious <> imperious

1. Your obsequious behavior is not going to earn you any favors from the teacher; it would be better simply to attend to your studies.

2. The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue.

3. The man's attraction to the woman would be obvious if his obsequious behavior could be noted.

4. The princess only seemed to encourage the obsequious behavior of her court to enhance her own feeling of superiority.

Synonyms: deferential, groveling, submissive, subservient

sycophant : obsequious = libertine : dissolute

obsequious : deferential = peeved : annoyed

obsequious : deferential = maudlin : sentimental 谄媚的:恭顺=脆弱的:敏感

imperious<>humble/ obsequious 专横的<>谦逊的 /献媚的

obsequious : attentiveness = parsimonious : frugality




