GRE红宝书 形容词词汇

 来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: GRE红宝书是考生备考GRE词汇的重要教材之一,近几年GRE考试真题中经常出现和常考的形容词词汇。这里为大家整理GRE红宝书中形容词词汇,供大家复习用。

earthy :unrefined; coarse

ebullient : showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm

ecclesiastic :pertaining to the church

eerie : weird

effectual :efficient

effeminate : having womanly traits

effete : worn out; exhausted; barren

efflorescent : flowering

effulgent : brilliantly radiant

effusive :pouring forth; gushing

egregious :gross; shocking

elegiacal : like an elegy; mournful

elusive : evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

elusory : tending to deceive expectations; elusive

emaciated :thin and wasted

eminent :high; lofty

enamored :in love

encomiastic : praising; eulogistic

ephemeral :short-lived; fleeting

equable : tranquil; steady; uniform

equivocal :doubtful; ambiguous

errant :wandering

erudite : learned; scholarly

esoteric : known only to the chosen few

estranged :separated

ethereal :light; heavenly; fine

ethnic : relating to races

eulogistic : praising

euphonious :pleasing in sound

evanescent :fleeting; vanishing

evasive :not frank; eluding

execrable : very bad

exemplary :serving as a model; outstanding

exiguous : small; minute

exorbitant : excessive

exotic :not native; strange

expeditiously :rapidly and efficiently

extant : still in existence

extemporaneous :not planned; impromptu

extraneous : not essential; external

extrinsic : external; not inherent; foreign

exuberant :abundant; effusive; lavish



