mediocrity n. 平庸,碌碌无为(mediocre abilities or attainment)
[例]Grateful as we are for these splendid books, they remain isolated examples of excellence in a literature of mediocrity.
melancholy adj. 忧郁的(depressed);令人悲伤的(causing depression)
menial adj. 仆人的,卑微的(of servants;humble);n. 家仆(a domestic servant)
[例]Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be menial, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
[同]subservient, obsequious, servile, slavish
mercenary adj. 唯利是图的(acting merely for money);n. 雇佣兵(a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army for money)
meretricious adj. 华而不实的,俗艳的(tawdrily and falsely attractive)
meritorious adj. 值得赞赏的(deserving praise and esteem)
mesmerize v. 对…催眠(to hypnotize);使入迷,迷住(to fascinate)
metabolic adj. 新陈代谢的(of, relating to, or based on metabolism)
[例]When trees go dormant in winter, the procedure is anything but sleepy: it is an active metabolic process that changes the plant radically.
metamorphose v. 变形(to change into another form)
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