GRE argument 220提纲分析汇总

所属专题:GRE作文  来源:    要点:GRE考试  
编辑点评: 提纲是作者构思谋篇的具体体现。便于作者有条理地安排材料、展开论证。提纲在GRE写作当中起到了至关重要的作用。从今天起,我们将对GRE argument进行分析,弄清写作思路,这样才能让GRE argument得高分。



gre argument 220题目:

The following appeared in an article in a magazine for writers.

"A recent study(1) showed that in describing a typical day's conversation, people make an average of 23 references to watching television and only 1 reference to reading fiction(4). This result suggests that, compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling(4) industries are likely to decline in profitability(2,3,5). Therefore, people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for television rather than for print media(6)."


(1)Without further description of the procedure of the study, the result could lend little support to the argument.

(2)The number of references to the two activities could hardly indicate the profitability of the two industries.

(3)The author ignores many differences between television and print media.

(4)The fact that people seldom refer to reading fiction does not imply that the entire publishing and bookselling industries will decline in profitability.

(5)Granted that the television industry is more profitable than the book-publishing industry, the assumption that television writers enjoy more secure and lucrative careers than book writers is unwarranted.

(6)People who wish to have careers as writers could write for media besides television and print media.


无论是gre issue还是gre argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的gre写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性,而gre写作高分最重要的得分依据就是作文的逻辑性要强。希望大家都能写出好作文。




